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Biker in Florida Pulled Over for Wearing a Gladiator Helmet


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cop made a stupid call. No helmets are needed in FL and its the guys life so let him live it. I agree dude is lame,but he can wear whatever he wants its his life. If the covering face law is real then all riders would have to throw away their full face helmets.

Helmets ARE required in Florida if you have less than $10K medical coverage.


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I don't consider sun glasses alone to be enough protection either. The cop puller over a guy being a dumbass. Either choose to wear a DOT approved helmet, or wear nothing if the law allows it. I really don't see how this guy thinks he's right.

the warning was issued for concealing his face, based on a law intended to prevent the Klan from intimidating people on public property. It's not a traffic violation, nor is it a helmet violation or an eye-protection violation.

While he may have broken the letter of the (really effing old) law, he didn't violate its intent, and it would be highly unlikely that a court would find differently.

Assuming he has the required $10k in medical coverage, he can wear a cowboy hat, and not be in violation of the law. By your logic, this woman is violating the same law, because her face is covered.


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Apparently the cop didn't like movies about gladiators. I wonder if his name was Joey?

Anyway, the cop's a douche. This guy's got an airtight case on the tinted lenses/full face helmet argument alone. It's not about having eye protection (which he had), it's not about impaired vision (which is debatable), although those ARE valid arguments when it comes to anything vehicle related, none of those were cited in the actual stop. Russell Crowe is going to get off, and rightly so.

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Helmets ARE required in Florida if you have less than $10K medical coverage.


It says on that page:

"Can I legally wear my novelty helmet?

If you meet the age requirement and have the proper insurance coverage"

So then that gladiator-helmet wearing douche was not breaking the law at all..............

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Russell Crowe is going to get off, and rightly so.

Like someone already stated above.... He only got a warning, so there's nothing for him to "get off" of

Wifey sounds to me like some liberal left wing hippie tree hugger who's just pissed 'cause "the man" was hasslin' her & her dumba$$ hubby, so now she's butthurt & wants an apology to validate her wounded feelings & repair her shattered self image :rolleyes:

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Like someone already stated above.... He only got a warning, so there's nothing for him to "get off" of

Wifey sounds to me like some liberal left wing hippie tree hugger who's just pissed 'cause "the man" was hasslin' her & her dumba$$ hubby, so now she's butthurt & wants an apology to validate her wounded feelings & repair her shattered self image :rolleyes:

Political leanings have nothing to do with this. He was detained unlawfully without probable cause for doing absolutely nothing wrong. End of story.

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