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Qs&l 9-12


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Ya know, broken collar bone or not, I'm just bored enough to take the DRZ out. Are we meeting at the Shell Station at what time? Or do you want to just yell at the good looking handycapper on the black and silver DRZ?

I guess that means I'm in.

OH yeah Chaney Man is going to go...so i will try and make it.

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Question... what is the point of meeting at the Shell down the street from the Lube?? Why not just meet at the lube??

Just wondering... I can't make it since I'll be watching my son till my wife gets home from work, and that is late... 830p!

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So that riders new to the site can meet up with people prior to going to QSL where it is mad crowded. If you are new to the site its gonna be hard to go QSL looking for the "dude with the blue '06 Gixxer and guy with the red and black CBR 1000." This way we can all meet up at the same location, go over together, and know where the group is parked.

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I'll be at the Shell late as usual or I'll just find you guys at QSL. Anyone riding afterward?

I plan on riding someones mother afterwards..

Not sure why but Im feeling like theres a bit of extra asshole in me today..

Probably because I tore the shit out of my neck last night at the gym and Im in some serious pain.. which Im sure makes you all happy..

Its me --> :wheelchair:

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McLovin - Dont be such a mincer, it's not cold.

Benyen - Even though you will not be there in person, Karla with there to represent the 250 crew

Angrish - As John said, Just east of I-71 on Polaris, about 30 seconds away, you'll see bikes there

Twincharge7 - Your going to be late, wow, thats a first..... lol

See you all there

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I think Im out for tonight..

I hurt my neck pretty bad last night and I have to ride a friends cruiser back from cleveland tomorrow night so Im thinking no wearing a helmet for me tonight would be the best idea. no helmet = no riding..

Looks like I will be doing $3 burger night at Brazenhead in Grandview tonight followed up by a few beers..

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