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Save The World - One Bombing Run At A Time


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Seed bombing is an Urban Green Guerrilla technique dating back to 1973.

It's where empty city lots are planted by throwing seeds on it.

This guy has upped the ante, he wants to do seed bombing runs from aircraft on desert spots all over the planet.

It's his plan to save the world / global warming / environment / etc.

Next Generation Green Ballistic Missiles


For those of you who want to try seed bombing, (you know who you are), here's the original instructions:

It doesn't have to be this complicated, the seeds and fertilizer wadded up in a dirt ball and thrown, works pretty good.


Alas, I hate to burst his bubble, but a sub-munitions container doesn't work the way he shows it. Fail.

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He should seed bomb my yard in the spring. Then I wouldnt have to re-seed it like I do every year.

Treat your lawn in the fall for grubs. Then you won't have to re-seed every spring.


Home Depot; $20

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Seed bombing is an Urban Green Guerrilla technique dating back to 1973.

It doesn't have to be this complicated, the seeds and fertilizer wadded up in a dirt ball and thrown, works pretty good.


I think random seeding of some things was done a lot earlier than '73' :D

Abandon urban lots worked perfectly, allegedly, I mean, some guy said...


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