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Adopt 'my' dog


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Second-hand Mutts is where I adopted my dog. In the year since, we've gone to a bunch of their fund raisers, and fostered two of their adoptable dogs.

Abe has been with us for about two months now, and I've probably heard him bark once (while my dog was tackling him in the snow). He's the single most laid-back dog I've ever encountered. The mail man pets Abe while I hold my dog by the collar.

the web page says Abe is overweight, but we've actually got him down to a pretty healthy size (i'd bet below 40 lbs). He loves to sleep, and isn't big on fetch or dog toys, but he gets insanely excited about walks. Like any dog, he loves attention, but he doesn't demand it like some dogs do.

Abe does fine with cats (at least he didn't try to chase my sister's cat - the cat did chase him though), and obviously gets along with other dogs.

- Abe has never chewed anything in our house (not even chew toys)

- Abe would not hurt a fly. we haven't had him around small children, but I'd be confident leaving him unattended with kids

- Abe is incredibly soft for 5 yr old dog

If I have ANY complaints about Abe:

- he WILL steal food, if you leave something out and aren't in the same room.

- we haven't tested to see how long he'll last in our house w/o needing to pee. The longest we've left him is 6 hours. ABE GETS VERY NERVOUS IF CRATED.

- Abe likes to lay on couches and beds. In our house, the guest bed and basement couch are dog-friendly. Our bed, and the family room couch our off-limits. Abe knows this, and respects the rules when we're around. If we're not, he sometimes sneaks onto the family room couch (usually only if the guest-room door is closed though)

PM me or contact the Mutt Hutt if you want further info.

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