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I hate computers


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My laptop has run flawlessly for the year that I have had it and just yesterday it decided to want to be a pain in the ass. It's obviously a PC. I figured this is a good place to bitch but also get some answers or shortcuts or anything to make this a little bit easier on me :mad:

It will work great for a while but then all of a sudden it seems to get bogged down an freeze. It all started with firefox freezing yesterday then it would basically freeze the whole computer.

Thank god for it being slow at work today because all I am doing is copying all my bookmarks into an email to send to myself (is there any easier way to save these??)

And transfer files to my external hard drive (does anyone know how to reset a Western Digital external?)

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(does anyone know how to reset a Western Digital external?)

If it's one of theose MyBook things: unplug everything, put a paperclip in the hole in the back, power it up, keep the paperclip on the button until the LED on the front comes on, then let go of the paperclip. Viola: User/pass are wiped out but files are preserved.

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Bookmarks > organize bookmarks > import and backup for firefox

File > Import and Export > Export favorites for IE

My Computer > Right click on external drive > format... (if that's what you mean by "reset")

bingo both worked thanks!

now if I can figure out why the computer is doing all this freezing in the first place

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I've had Firefox updated and freeze like that. Remove (uninstall), reboot, and reinstall.

I found a service had run amoke, and was taking over the processor.

And sometimes I can just kill the service, but reinstall usually works ok.

That's the first thing I'd try...

warning: export your bookmarks first, or they are gone.

edit: I just export from firefox bookmarks to an html file in My docs, easy to find again.

Import from html file when ready.

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Although Chrome helped out, it didn't fix my problem. This stupid thing still freezes up when it seems to be doing too much at once. And right now too much at once is having more than one tab open in a browser and running Excel

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Just switched to Chrome, think I'll be keeping this now. Thanks for the advice!

No problem....I was actually waiting for the Chrome haters to show up and start bashing it.

I'll keep an eye out for the rep you'll leave me....

...oh wait. Never mind.

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Right click My Computer, click properties, click Advanced tab, under performance click settings. Click Advanced tab, click change, make sure "System managed size" is chosen, click ok and reboot. While there are other ways to work it, for the average user, letting Windows determine your page file size is probably best. This also requires you to have a decent amount of drive space available (can be up to 2.5GB depending on situation)

Right click on your task bar, click Task Manager. Click the performance tab and leave it open while you do things. watch the graphs to see if anything maxes out while working.

Check the Event Viewer System log (Control Panel > Admin tools > Event Viewer > System) for any significant errors, though there may be none.

KISS and start with simple things first.

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I'd be willing to offer up my services as needed if you want to try a remote assistance request. This basically allows someone to remote connect to your computer and take control to checkout the problem your having.

I may take you up on that. I usually have luck figuring this shit out after awhile but this is one no matter what I do I just cant seem to find out why the hell it freezes out. I'm not computer whiz but I like to think I'm not a complete retard when it comes to at least basic shit :lol: When it gets technical then its pretty much over my head

edit: It was brought to my attention at work we had an un-used product key for Norton so I am running a full system scan to see if that clears it up. I'm guessing it won't but its worth a shot

Edited by Bad324
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+1 to those above. I'll add Avira (except for the splash page that prompts you to pay for the full version).

I am a big fan of Comodo for firewalls/AV...but I'm an even bigger fan of Online Armor. It will do it all...and just a week or so ago they gave the full version away for free at giveawayoftheday.com. Both Comodo and Online Armor take something as complex as a firewall, and make it easy to use for those folks who don't normally deal with that stuff. Online Armor is highly rated..and to be honest, I'd pay full price for the full version.

Comodo was great too, but it wouldn't work with PlayOn, and I got tired of waiting for an update to fix it.

Oh yeah..if you need to clean malware, superantispyware.com has fixed everything I've thrown at it. I can't say the same for Spybot and the like.

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The shit works..better than any other I've tried. And I've been through them all. Keep a copy on a USB stick in case you get one of those nasty ones that likes to redirect you when you go to the internet.

This thing has cleaned some nasty shit...without going into safe mode.

And I'm totally with you...the name is fucking cheesy, but I swear by it.

Makes you wonder...is it so good at cleaning ....because the folks behind it have some 'insight'? If you get my drift...

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