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The Grand Finale


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It was brought to my attention that next Sunday will be my last cookout at Kickstands. Clutch and I are off to the races from there. As usual, a good time was had by all tonight, thank you all for showing up. I did get into the cornhole games and just in case you didn't notice, I'm not one of those who donned the Pink Helmet. That's right, I rock! Newly shaved face and all. Let's all show up next Sunday for my grand finale. My money says this ten year old Dresser's rear tire will out smoke anything you bring!

I'll be more than happy to be DD, rent a short bus if I have to, to get you home safe. Please don't take the chance. Pretty sure you're all short bus eligible. Also, while I have your attention, Saturday night, October 14, here at the Pops Party Plantation will be the party of the millennium. Rock your world news will be announced that night! This is not a maybe I will, maybe I won't, bon fire. It is MANDATORY!! If you don't make it, don't show up at my house in Costa Rica expecting guest privileges.

Will one of you computer smart people attach these pics to my story at Ohioriders.


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Last Cookout, damn thats a sad story. The cookouts have been fun! I guess we wont be forced to eat Jeff's nasty ass cookin now though. Ha. Just messin man, I like your boogers! :lol: I'm definately gonna have to make it out for the Party at the PPP. From the pictures of the last one it looked like a blast.

I think since this is the last cookout we should maybe try to organize a little Cornhole Tournament? We could make it a five dollar entry fee and award first place with half and give half to ohio riders or something, or we could just play for shits and giggles. Could be a single elimination or double, Im down for whatever. I will also be willing to show up early and collect money and register the teams or whatever. Hopefully we will have a decent amount of people there this Sunday so I thought this would give us something more to do and keep us entertained. Any thoughts on this? Would anyone want to be in the tournament? ?

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