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Who has RALLY CARS? Post pictures here please!


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What are you guys meaning by Rally? You talking tight dirtroad racing with people all along the sides like I see on TV? Or just driving fast on the road? Just curious.

We field race them in Cincy. Buddy has an MX track and field we run them on. Let's just say there's a bit of rubbing going on. Oh, and jumping, crashing, tearing off parts, etc... RIOT!!

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my old car



mid 12's

Nice toy. Ain't got nuthin on the ol' Sable:


Maybe a nice "daily driver" in this S10. It has since "lost" teh cap. It was a tragic accident where it might have been bumped by a certain Sable driver who will remain annonymous...


How about a set of "SLIGHTLY" used S10s? I mean, a little TLC and a wax job and they'll look GREAT! Well, except the one we sheared 3 of the 4 cab bolts...:eek:


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I'm into the rallycars.I was in L.A. for the rally event at the x-games about a month ago. We did pretty good there but I a little upset that we did not make the "live" tv coverage.Only 8 of the 13 invited car made it on to "live" coverage because skateboarding run 45 mins longer tht they were suppose to.I do have a couple sets of rally tires for sale if anyone is interested.I am doing a tuff truck event tonight sept.18 not in the rallycar but my tracker will have rally tires on it. the event is at the delaware county fairgrounds at 7:00 if anyone is looking for something to do tonight.

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i am amazed thats your old car....and you ride a 2-fish... WTF????

haha .... well... at that time I bought the car as a toy, kept it for a year, and got rid of it - between the car and insurance that year of fun cost me a few thousand bucks ... so I decided that wasn't really very smart of me, and I now have cheaper cars and a bike that is paid for... I'll likely get a nicer bike before next spring though... just have to work out the finances ... I don't make as much as I did back then but at least I don't hate my job!

plus the 250 wasn't just about money, there are faster bikes I could have bought for the same $$, but I went by the common advice to start small, which I'm glad I did... I'll sell the 250 for more than I paid for it when I'm ready to do so

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haha .... well... at that time I bought the car as a toy, kept it for a year, and got rid of it - between the car and insurance that year of fun cost me a few thousand bucks ... so I decided that wasn't really very smart of me, and I now have cheaper cars and a bike that is paid for... I'll likely get a nicer bike before next spring though... just have to work out the finances ... I don't make as much as I did back then but at least I don't hate my job!

plus the 250 wasn't just about money, there are faster bikes I could have bought for the same $$, but I went by the common advice to start small, which I'm glad I did... I'll sell the 250 for more than I paid for it when I'm ready to do so

oh....i didnt mean to sound like i was "crackin" on ya...it just didn't fit, ya know? but that explains it!!...yea i remember (way back when) i was paying like 3300 a year for liability only (i was 19)....big time tickets = bigtime INS bill!!!!! oh well, we live learn and then re-learn :) lol lol

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It is ironic that the car would be faster than the bike, but having a fast car doesn't mean one has instant motorcycle skills and knowledge. Total different world.


So many talk about how they love rally car racing but only 1 person posted pictures! WTF people? Let's goooo! Let's goooooooooo! :p

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