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This pissing anyone else off?


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Attempted murder does not seem excessive to you? Considering the kid left the hospital the same day and attended a party the very night....If he was in a coma for the last however many days.....yes, but in this case.....too much, IMO!

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The attempted murder charges were dropped against Bell and two others. They're charging them with battery and conspiracy to commit battery. That's what they did. The other three still have attempted murder charges, but haven't been to court to see if their charges will be lowered also.

Think about it: Six people come and gang up on you. They continue to kick and stomp on you after you fall to the ground. They beat you bad enough you have to go to the hospital for stitches and your eyes have blood clots.

Attempted murder? Well, would they have stopped if the fight hadn't been broken up? They obviously weren't there for a fair fight. Six on one. I agree with them lowering the charges to battery and conspiracy to commit battery. All six deserve the same charges and should most certainly see jail time.

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attempted murder might be a little off, but not much. any time you have more than 2 people of comparable age against 1, also adding the kicking and such when the kid was already on the ground and obviously beaten, doesn't bode well for the attackers' case. however if the kid was released the same day or the day after with no broken bones or serious injuries they could get off easy. either way i don't think it warrants a buses full of people shouting civil rights.:rolleyes:

also think about this and how it could relate to this case. the law in ohio reads something to the effect that you can defend yourself with lethal force if you believe your life is in danger(a 120 lbs. man against a 250lbs. man with a weapon, multiple assailants)

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The attempted murder charges were dropped against Bell and two others. They're charging them with battery and conspiracy to commit battery. That's what they did. The other three still have attempted murder charges, but haven't been to court to see if their charges will be lowered also.

Think about it: Six people come and gang up on you. They continue to kick and stomp on you after you fall to the ground. They beat you bad enough you have to go to the hospital for stitches and your eyes have blood clots.

Attempted murder? Well, would they have stopped if the fight hadn't been broken up? They obviously weren't there for a fair fight. Six on one. I agree with them lowering the charges to battery and conspiracy to commit battery. All six deserve the same charges and should most certainly see jail time.

Good for the charges being dropped, but as for going to the hospital and getting stitches and a closed eye....I've seen that happen one on one. Personally, a six person attack seems life threatening to me and what i'd do....well, that's for them to find out, but for the level of damage that was done to him, I feel the charge was too much to begin with. As for the last guy in prison, last I heard they are trying to get him removed from a maximum security facility.

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What line!! Let me guess your going to band me because al sharpton is a racist?AND I SAID FUK HIM.

Possibly banned, instead of a musical "band"...., but I digress. I notice your post was edited....speak up, let us know how you feel.

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I once was that white kid getting fuked up and put in to the hospital.For no reason..Oh wait I forgot "We was funning?" Is what they said...... Rules changed ...sorry if I hit a button ....But you no what they say life is a 4 letter word? right!!??

Oh yea you don't even no the name of my band.

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Jesus Christ you two, shut up. Keep this shit civil. I'm not asking. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are wastes of life. True story. But no "string'em up" jokes or anything else. However, I do think Bush should be hung on the White House lawn for treason, but that's a different topic.

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My .02 if you have to get five of your friends to help beat someone up then you are officially a little bitch (regardless of race). Little bitches should get the proverbial book thrown at them (regardless of race). If you fight someone one on one then a suspension is in order. The point in any school fight is to establish dominance not to kill them so a black eye and a bloody nose is sufficient. Murder charges are excessive as if you planned on killing someone the two main objectives are to kill them and get away with it. So beating someone in front of a bunch of people should be treated as assult and battery.

Shit we have someone on this site probably facing more time than these guys and he didnt beat anyone. Where are his busloads of protestors?

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.... whole rainbow of members here so we need to be respectfull to everyone here.............

well you know what!!! I am a Martian, and Im sick and tired of all the Earthling on Martian hate crimes im seeing as of late....YOU ppl need to stop it or else WE will kick your ass!!!

:dunno: muah muah muah....trying for a bit of levity here i think :)

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I think Angrish meant "we" as in the way "we" won the championship in football but none of us has anything to do with the team.

Not the best wording though, we got the whole rainbow of members here so we need to be respectfull to everyone here.

Ah Yea can't spell and grammer is lacking. I own a plumbing co. And the only thing I'm ok at is math......Come on that was a joke hahahahaha Guess you have to be a plumber to get it."shitty"

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Ah Yea can't spell and grammer is lacking. I own a plumbing co. And the only thing I'm ok at is math......Come on that was a joke hahahahaha Guess you have to be a plumber to get it."shitty"

I thought only the Asians were good at math? Speaking of Asians, anybody seen or heard from Rob lately?

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