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driving after dark with temps


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OK so here's the story. I only have my permit, not my license. recently i changed shifts at work from 1st to 2nd.

If i get busted driving after dark, what are the fines/penalities? ever happen to anyone?

anyone get busted on the interstate as well?

i need to take the msf so i don't have to worry about this crap... :dunno:

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Chances are if you're not pulling a dumbass move you won't attract attention. You need to read the Asking A Favour thread to see what my son and I are going through so you know what could happen.

i just read about what happened man... i'm sorry. if i knew your son better i'd help write a letter for him. i'm sure he's a good guy.

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OK so here's the story. I only have my permit, not my license. recently i changed shifts at work from 1st to 2nd.

If i get busted driving after dark, what are the fines/penalities? ever happen to anyone?

anyone get busted on the interstate as well?

i need to take the msf so i don't have to worry about this crap... :dunno:

Shitty is right....

It's a no ops. Max fine is a 1000 dollars and 6 months in jail, however no one ever gets that anymore unless you really piss the cop and judge off. You more looking at a 250 to 500 dollar fine and impoundment of your bike.

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It seems like there are more than a few people out there with only temps riding on highways, after dark, with passengers etc. If i'm not wrong it is the test thing that only cost $25? My wife passed first time with NO motorcycle experience at all so I dont see what the big deal is, It takes 3 days & $25 so why is it even a issue?

Go do the test..

(the one is Deleware is not nearly as full as the Franklin County one either)

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I rode all last year on the highway and in the dark with just a permit and never got pulled over. I also kept everything equipment-wise legal and didn't ride retarded as to draw any attention to myself until I got my endorsement so they had no reason to pull me over.

I'm not sure how confident you are with riding but I took the Motorcycle Ohio BRC course which cost me $25 and three days of my time. It was a HUGE waste of my time because I could have and should have just went to the BMV and taken the test for free and passed it. The instructors didn't like it when I was dragging the pegs during practice either....I vote you just go schedule a test and if you fail then reconsider.

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how hard is it to take the test with a 600+ sportsbike? I've heard of ppl taking it with a scooter but idk about that..

The place in Delaware provides a bike, most are 250cc either kind of MX/duel purpose or cruiser types. They do an advanced course which you need your own bike for. I may go for that after a while.

I'm not sure about the BMV test, I'd guess that you would need your own bike.

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I took my test at the BMV with my bike (04 600rr) and passed it. While its not exactly easy, it is possible. I hit the BMV test area in lancaster late at night or when they were closed to practice. It took some tries to get the line down for the cones and turn around/stop. Thats about the hardest part due to the turning stlye of the sportbike. Get the launch/stop part down also, I got a point or 2 for going to far. Just practive it imo, it really does help (just make sure they are closed as you can't practice during business hours). GL with the test.

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just checked franklin county and delaware county's website: all classes are full until the end of the year. i'm going to take the MSF course in april of next year thru AD Farrow so i might as just wait it out. i'd go and take the test but i dunno if i'd be able to pass it since i have no idea what the course looks like...

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just checked franklin county and delaware county's website: all classes are full until the end of the year. i'm going to take the MSF course in april of next year thru AD Farrow so i might as just wait it out. i'd go and take the test but i dunno if i'd be able to pass it since i have no idea what the course looks like...

go find someone who has done the test and go to the bmv after they close. the test lines are painted in the parking lot and only a few things are tricky. as for taking the class, the best bet is to walk in. those things are always full and if youre impatient like me the best way to get in is to be persistent about being a walk in.

imo the class is great for beginners but im not sure how much benefit it will be to you. i would look into taking the BRC-2 which is the similar course for people who have already been riding for a while. i believe that one also gives you your license. correct me if im wrong.

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I still need to go take my test as well .... I've ridden over 3,000 miles now with only my permit... at night, early in the morning, on the highway.... it happens. Haven't been pulled over for anything yet though, knock on wood... maybe because my bike is so slow.

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If you can work a clutch and aren't totally handicapped you can pass the test... errr... if you don't have a 1,000lb 10 foot long chopper, that helps too... Seriously, the test is so pathetically easy it's ricockulous... If you are worried, go watch people take the test, then try to mimic what they do after everyone's done.

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If you can work a clutch and aren't totally handicapped you can pass the test... errr... if you don't have a 1,000lb 10 foot long chopper, that helps too... Seriously, the test is so pathetically easy it's ricockulous... If you are worried, go watch people take the test, then try to mimic what they do after everyone's done.


looks like sometimes we agree....and others we dont there XB :)

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this is what the paper i got from MSF says: riding without a motorcycle endorsement include up to 180 days in jail, a $1,000 fine, license suspension for to one year, and/or having ur motorcycle towed. lame guess im done breaking the law till im done with the class. btw, the classroom part of the MSF taught me NOTHING, not being a squid or anything but i seriously learned nothing that i dont already apply when I ride. cant speak on the riding part yet.


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