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Mexicans beating blacks???


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The guy in the photo looks hispanic to me.

Actually this is an increasing problem. In California its even worse. Random acts of violence by blacks and hispanics against each other. Its getting insane.

The article makes it sound like it was a robbery and the black guy was being beaten to death. I'm not sure how much of it had to do with him being black. The reason its being charged as a "hate crime" is because during the beating, the bad guys used the "n" word.

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The guy in the photo looks hispanic to me.

Actually this is an increasing problem. In California its even worse. Random acts of violence by blacks and hispanics against each other. Its getting insane.

The article makes it sound like it was a robbery and the black guy was being beaten to death. I'm not sure how much of it had to do with him being black. The reason its being charged as a "hate crime" is because during the beating, the bad guys used the "n" word.

I'm curious how you know it's an increasing problem? Where's some articles, statistics, etc? I'm always ears when it comes to the news.:eek:

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Saw this sort of thing all the time when I lived in CA. black and hispanic groups always after each other. Like it was some rediculous fight over who belonged here more and who was the biggest minority. There's a ton of philipino and thai gangs out there also but they usually fight amongst each other.

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Anyone want to beat the shit out of me while screaming the "N" word.....

I'm sicilian... but technically were all from africa. Get over it people (non specific to anyone here or in the general vicinity of here. )

Actually there's been evidence since that theory that suggests we all aren't...

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The brotherhood of mankind has ancient roots. In the remote shadows of human pre-history, there was only a single primitive culture. "Genetic tracking" is a new science but it indicates that "modern" man existed as a hunter-gatherer in eastern Africa around 150,000 years ago, with evidence of these same people discovered in the Middle East dated from around 80,000 years ago. A well-researched hypothesis that all humans are descended from a "mitochondrial" Eve (a reference to the mitochondrial DNA traced to a female ancestor living in east Africa 150,000 years, or about 7,000 generations, ago) emphasizes the "commonality" of all humans and our descent from a single "race." At one point, there were probably only around 10,000 humans in the world, and they gradually migrated, leaving a DNA trail behind them. Stephen Oppenheimer (author of Out of Eden - The Peopling of the World), among others, suggests a single major "exodus" out of Africa, not necessarily many waves of emigration as was previously theorized. This theory is supported by geneticists such as Spencer Wells (author of The Journey of Man - A Genetic Odyssey and director of the Genographic Project). Genetic drift would have resulted in a single line of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) surviving in isolated populations.Genetics & Anthropology in Sicily http://www.bestofsicily.com/genetics.htm

"Norman Sicily stood forth in Europe --and indeed in the whole bigoted medieval world-- as an example of tolerance and enlightenment, a lesson in the respect that every man should feel for those whose blood and beliefs happen to differ from his own."

-- John Julius Norwich, The Kingdom in the Sun 1970

"Sicilians are a diverse people, having had contact with a great variety of ethnic stocks and physical types throughout the centuries."

-- Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 10, page 779 1997

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not really

Yeah sorry. They've found remains believed to be as old as the oldest found in Africa from a couple of different regions. It's caused a few problem with the theory that modern humans all came from Africa. So that we're clear it's believed the "current evolution" of humans is from african.

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Yeah sorry. They've found remains believed to be as old as the oldest found in Africa from a couple of different regions. It's caused a few problem with the theory that modern humans all came from Africa. So that we're clear it's believed the "current evolution" of humans is from african.

There is much more evidence that supports a single-origin hypothesis than a multi-regional hypothesis. In fact it could be argued that there is no scientific evidence for the multi-regional hypothesis at all.

There are no examples of homo sapiens of 100,000+ years old found anywhere in the world other than those found in Africa and the Middle East.

Where are you getting your information?

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There is much more evidence that supports a single-origin hypothesis than a multi-regional hypothesis. In fact it could be argued that there is no scientific evidence for the multi-regional hypothesis at all.

There are no examples of homo sapiens of 100,000+ years old found anywhere in the world other than those found in Africa and the Middle East.

Where are you getting your information?

A geneticist(sp?). I'll have to find the links again. I lost all my bookmarks when my harddrive died about a month ago. Anyway some of the links talked of 2 sets of remains, one in Asia somewhere and one in Australia I think, that dated 100,000+ years and their DNA placed them outside of the African lineage. So far I think they are the only 2 which is why you don't hear a lot of noise about them. Also, there was an article or 2 on groups of people today that don't have the marker that places them in that lineage.

I'm a fan of of the single origin theory myself, but I tend to stay open minded on most things especially when someone can provide something to support it. I talked to this guy for maybe 3 hours and when I got home from my vacation he had emailed me almost a dozen links, that was over a year ago.

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