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columbis tommorrow


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lol... im black. :p

bahahahahaha....go figure! What's up my nigga?

excuse me if i offend honkeys or brotha's. i apoligize in advance. it's because i grew up in this gray area being a chink and all...after all those years of filling out questionaires...black? white? other? wtf? OTHER? i have since learned to deal with the mental anquish. i've married a honkey and sometimes if i tan too much and get a bad perm, i can blend into the million man march.

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bahahahahaha....go figure! What's up my nigga?

excuse me if i offend honkeys or brotha's. i apoligize in advance. it's because i grew up in this gray area being a chink and all...after all those years of filling out questionaires...black? white? other? wtf? OTHER? i have since learned to deal with the mental anquish. i've married a honkey and sometimes if i tan too much and get a bad perm, i can blend into the million man march.

i can't call it buffenbarger. it's all good, i dont knuckle up like i used to over dumb stuff. we're all brothers and sisters here under the holy and divine glory of the two wheels...can i get an AMEN?

I crossed over myself marrying a white girl. but why you gotta get a bad perm to look like a sista??? you callin me nappy headed?!?

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So has this fallen into the "No racism rule" Yet :lol: we're all gonna get banned!

Not even close to being ban worthy, its just all fun and games. :D I may be meetin up with all you asshats at the metal pony. If Im meeting you there... I will be there by 3 if not earlier. Im on a yellow ducky.

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...can i get an AMEN?


I crossed over myself marrying a white girl. but why you gotta get a bad perm to look like a sista??? you callin me nappy headed?!?

nappy headed hoes! i grew up with a bunch o dirty butt girls that were nappy headed and they'ze was honkey ass crackas! so i dunno what to say about that man!

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I don't think so, we'll probably just ride around, at least I don't plan on going crazy in any twisties or anything.

Sounds good, I'll get my flip flops out of the closet.:grin:

Can anyone ride with you guys?How late do you plan to be out?

I'm only going to be riding for a few hours..tops. I gotta shoot some pool later.

I work about 10 minutes from there so I'll be there well before 5:30. I'm on my '03 yaller cbr300r. My names Pattie. I'm vietnamese so I stick out in a crowd of honkies. Come on up to me and say hello, otherwise, I don't want to look like a handytard introducing myself to people who don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

I'll get over there at about 5:15 or earlier. I'll be on a yellow rr as well. If exSRAaron meets us too we will have 3 yellow rr's:eek:

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haha, looks like we got more! bring your friends kids! ill be the short, skinny, kid (i call it a motogp cut) im 18, buzzed head, blue jacket, blue srad...should i wear my tinted visor, or my clear? sounds like i need my clear?

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Does anyone have a route planned? I dont want to ride on the highway all after noon. Ill get bored and the center of my tire gets angry :(

I don't think so...all spontaneous and group decision when we meet up....I'd rather not ride too much on the highways before dark and would rather avoid back roads after dark because of deer or something.... but really don't have many suggestions.

Since we'll be on the west side in the evening, we could travel galloway area to 104 and head south a little and then back up or galloway area into west jeff up to plain city dublin and then down riverside or something...whateva

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Hey it was nice to meet all of you and I had a good time! If any of you feel like PMing me your name and phone number I would appreciate it...hopefully we can get another couple rides together before the weather gets crappy!


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Hey it was nice to meet all of you and I had a good time! If any of you feel like PMing me your name and phone number I would appreciate it...hopefully we can get another couple rides together before the weather gets crappy!



it's nice to be able to ride with a group. despite not having an agenda or a route, i think it all turned out well.....besides running into a little shit in the road.....(literally)

i hope everyone made it home or to where ever there were heading safe and sound and i look forward to the next group ride.

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Quit your whining. I did 10hr trip from South GA on my 06 GSXR 1000 Labor day..

Then a weekend trip again to Nashville the next weekend.

:roll: shut up chris, i meant i got plenty of highway here, what was the deal today dude!!??

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