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Keep a lookout for......


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So my apartment was broken into yesterday, and they took EVERYTHING!!! Keep your eyes open for

Flight bag with 2 headsets (echelon) and log book with my name on the outside of it (Kurtis West)

Computer (Gateway, with an alpinestar sticker on it)

Wedding band (eternity ring diamonds all the way around the band)

Tan Safe ( with my bike title, cash(which i know is gone) and other misc stuff)

Multiple rings out of wifeys jewlry box

Digital camera (olympia)

This is the main stuff. if you all could keep your eyes peeled for any of this stuff on ebay or craigslist i would REALLY appreciate it.

on a good note, they didn't make it out into the garage.

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Where do you live at?

Cedar Trace apartments sancus and lazelle rd. i thought it would be safe here, but it is the 7 break in, in the past week. i hope that these mother fuckers come back for the rest of the shit that they didn't take.

i think in total i lost about $12-15,000

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i think that the part that sucks the most, is knowing that some stranger was going through all of our shit. they went through ever droor, and closets. i don't think that i got 5 min of sleep last night. i really miss my comp. too. you don't really know what all you have on there till it is all gone. so back up all of your shit on discs or whatever. i lost everything, and it is really pissing me off typing this so i'm gonna stop.

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Wow... That really stinks. I always wonder how many break-ins my dog might have prevented while my neighbors got jacked back when i lived on campus. Hopefully you recorded s/n#'s on your valuables for insurance purposes.

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dont have it, but the cop told me that i would have to pay out the ass everymonth to cover the dollar amount that was taken. i'm just going to get the hell out of this place this week. i be nice and give them a 2 day notice. "I'm moving out Today"

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Awww man!! Fuck what that cop says...Anything coming back is better than nothing. Most renter policies give you 100% replacement...it's actual cash value though, so you'd most likely get what they can replace it for verses what you paid...Always a risk of this in these apartment places...moving won't help the matter...it can happen again somewhere else.

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Awww man!! Fuck what that cop says...Anything coming back is better than nothing. Most renter policies give you 100% replacement...it's actual cash value though, so you'd most likely get what they can replace it for verses what you paid...Always a risk of this in these apartment places...moving won't help the matter...it can happen again somewhere else.


Renters insurance is dirt cheap. I started out paying 13 bucks a month and it is down to 9 bucks a month now.

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i have a shotgun aimed at the door with a pulley system to the trigger. then i just go in and out the window.

seriously though, that really sucks. are there any pawn shops near you? theives are not very smart. go check out the closest ones to you. you may very well see your shit there.

when there were those home invasions in german village a couple years ago, the police couldnt track the ppl down... one of the HOMEOWNERS who got robbed, went to some pawn shops and found his shit, thats how they busted them. you'd think the police would do their own police work, but i guess not lol.

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Yes do get renters insurance for anyone else. i can't get a dog, they dont allow them here.

I have been told that most of the crime that was on the southside of columbus is very quickley making it's way up to the north.

They have been following a guy around who is "suspicious" but they cant just pull him over. they want to try to catch him in the act. if they don't than they can just get him for recieving stolen property.

oh and by the way, anyone else reading this and renting. GET RENTERS INSURANCE!!!!!

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Cedar Trace apartments sancus and lazelle rd. i thought it would be safe here, but it is the 7 break in, in the past week. i hope that these mother fuckers come back for the rest of the shit that they didn't take.

i think in total i lost about $12-15,000

Was it the seventh break-in in the complex or area? If it was in the same complex then the management company is shady if they did not post any notices or anything... With that many in such a short time frame you would think that they would have posted something at least notified everyone so they could keep an eye out.

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it is the 7 in the area in a week, 3rd in the complex. yea im pissed that they didn't hand out any flyers or anything notifying us. they said that they didn't want to do that because if it was somebody who lived there, they didn't want to tip them off that they were watching. fucking bullshit if you ask me. tip them off then they won't do it!

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