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Anyone used Tannerite??


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parks where the fuck have u been... me and ross mixed 4lbs strapped it to a 6x6 support beam in the the old barn and blew the fucker in half it was crazy

actually it was an 8x8 and it was solid oak :lol:

part of the support about the size of my leg went through the wall and landed in the field.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fwiw, tannerite is fairly easy to make. Aluminum powder + ammonium nitrate. Has to be the right consistency so you have to grind it (blender for each component...don't wanna blend it together!), there's instructions out there but IIRC it's 5% aluminum powder.

We mixed a boatload up for the Knob Creek ARFcom shoot and it works like the cat's ass. Cheap too, but you have to be careful obviously...it's not like whipping up popcorn!


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