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stupid cagers


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Naw, I'll pass on riding a bicycle on any road other than a few back roads and bike trails. You were wearing full leathers right?:rolleyes:

I might start doing that, calling people out on their idiotic mistakes if the situation allows. Last year a car had pulled out in front of me, didn't cut me off or anything, but as I crested the hill was still going faster than he was. I checked my mirrors, was in a passing zone and had no traffic coming towards me. So I went ahead and at the same speed I was originally going began to pass him. As soon as I got next to him he looked at me and purposely swerved trying to run me off the road. Flailing his hands and screaming who knows what. Then as I look forward again see cars coming towards me, down shifted and took off. It really shook me up pretty good. I wanted to stop him and confront him but realized I'd probably do something I would later regret. The big kicker to this whole thing? He had two young children in the back seat. F'ing A'hole.

(in a ruling the road sense) You are right. Until everyone rides a motorcycle, we will always be invisible and a problem for cages.

I had one similar to this. It was an asshole in a jeep, I passed him on an old cuntry road, he threw a fit (didn't endanger anyone). He sped to keep up and at the next stop sign pulled next to me to start yammering(sp?). I took off my helmet, as time for talking was over, only to see 2 cute little girls in their carseats. I told him he was a moron and get his kids to school safely.

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I had one similar to this. It was an asshole in a jeep, I passed him on an old cuntry road, he threw a fit (didn't endanger anyone). He sped to keep up and at the next stop sign pulled next to me to start yammering(sp?). I took off my helmet, as time for talking was over, only to see 2 cute little girls in their carseats. I told him he was a moron and get his kids to school safely.

:nono: It's one thing to put your life in danger, but to be holding the lives of your kids and be that stupid, I'll never understand. When my daughter is with me I drive a lot safer and more defensively than when she isn't

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1/4 mile 1/8 mile or what kind of track. if you cant do low 7's in the quarter than forget about it, your wasting my time. thats a 74% load of nitro with a 200" wheel base. sucka

Pshh, weaksauce. When you are running mid 5's come talk to me. I'm running a 93% load of nitro, what? :rolleyes::p

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I took off my helmet, as time for talking was over,

if the time for talking was over, I'd have left my helmet on... this gear is intended to protect me in case I come into contact with pavement, your fists don't scare me in the least...

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if the time for talking was over, I'd have left my helmet on... this gear is intended to protect me in case I come into contact with pavement, your fists don't scare me in the least...

I already have an unfair advantage, since my head is filled with rocks.

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While we are on the topic of racing, why do people with slow wanna be fast cars always gun it when your sitting next to them at a light....The other day I was riding and this dude in this hatchback takes off at green and looks in his mirror to see if im coming...I just dont get it he wouldnt have even had a chance in hell... Anyone else attract idiots when they are riding, idiots outside of the low IQ drivers we have on the road already?

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While we are on the topic of racing, why do people with slow wanna be fast cars always gun it when your sitting next to them at a light....The other day I was riding and this dude in this hatchback takes off at green and looks in his mirror to see if im coming...I just dont get it he wouldnt have even had a chance in hell... Anyone else attract idiots when they are riding, idiots outside of the low IQ drivers we have on the road already?

Happens to me all the time...

My favorite occasion of this is when I looked up the road and seen a LEO at the next red light... I flipped my sheild up, blew the driver's g/f a kiss and revved the hell out of the bike like i was ricky racer....

light turned green he took off like a bat outta hell and was immediately pulled over, I rode by at the speed limit and beeped.:D

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Happens to me all the time...

My favorite occasion of this is when I looked up the road and seen a LEO at the next red light... I flipped my sheild up, blew the driver's g/f a kiss and revved the hell out of the bike like i was ricky racer....

light turned green he took off like a bat outta hell and was immediately pulled over, I rode by at the speed limit and beeped.:D

HAHAHAHA thats awesome I may have to steal that one from ya sometime especially if theres a leo up the road.

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Happens to me all the time...

My favorite occasion of this is when I looked up the road and seen a LEO at the next red light... I flipped my sheild up, blew the driver's g/f a kiss and revved the hell out of the bike like i was ricky racer....

light turned green he took off like a bat outta hell and was immediately pulled over, I rode by at the speed limit and beeped.:D

That's awesome.

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i was headed northbound on 257 the other day and right at the intersection of glick road a damn escalade made a left hand turn in front of me. to make things worse... after the chick saw me, she f'ing stopped in the middle of the intersection!! left just enough room for me to swerve between her ass end and the center median. oh and what the hell is the reason for all these cages driving 40-45 in a 55 zone and feeling like they need to come to a complete stop on the few curves in the road!!!!! :mad:

Hmmm... 1987 Hurricane. I had one of the first ones off the line. Black and red. My favorite bike.

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