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Well it made me happy...


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So some of you know that I've only been riding in total since late June of last year (took the BRC and all that jazz).

Today was the first day back out on the roads for me.

I have to say I was a little concerned in the days leading up to today of how things would be for me back in the 'saddle' again.

It was great!!!

I didn't do anything stupid like stall the bike. I leaned fine into my curves. Looked through my curves, etc.

It was friggn' awesome!

I didn't just puss out and do side streets and back roads. I also did 33 at least from Riverside to Marysville.

It was awesome.

Anyway.. I was pretty happy that all I learned in the BRC stuck with me being as new as I am.

You also gotta consider that we don't live in warm weather all year round so I hadn't road since the first week of November.

Pretty happy if I do say so myself.




aka Christina

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Thanks Scott!

It meant alot that everything went smoothly. It kind of was a yay or nay deal breaker sort of thing if you understand what I mean.

I know you've been riding forever.. but being that I'm only 5 months in the saddle.. yeah, it mattered alot.

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:) Feels good to be confident on the bike. I know what you mean though. I have been VERY easy on my bike since i've been riding in questionable conditions (cold roads, possibly salt, etc) so its always nice to get back into it and be ok with it.

congrats on remembering :)

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:) Feels good to be confident on the bike. I know what you mean though. I have been VERY easy on my bike since i've been riding in questionable conditions (cold roads, possibly salt, etc) so its always nice to get back into it and be ok with it.

congrats on remembering :)

Yep! You must have got out on that bike pretty early on then. When did you get back out there?

Thanks on the congrats. I know it sounds super cheesy...but being that I've not been riding for years like the majority here.. it was quite the big deal to me. Made me so happy.

Felt awesome to ride!!!

ps--- I've had entirely too much coffee .. LOL!! I'm a giddy mess right now. Between riding and caffiene.. I'll be lucky to sleep tonight!

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It gets better and better every time. Build on what you know you can do well, and then work the areas that you feel need work, such as un uphill right hand turn, from a stop. Not that there ANY hills in Marysville......

LOL! You're right on the lack of hills.

I think I could do much better in slow tight turns in parking lots. I'm always afraid I'm going to stall my bike when I'm trying to park her outwards in a parking spot. Just trying to balance the clutch and throttle ratio in tiny parking space without killing it.

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Yep! You must have got out on that bike pretty early on then. When did you get back out there?

Thanks on the congrats. I know it sounds super cheesy...but being that I've not been riding for years like the majority here.. it was quite the big deal to me. Made me so happy.

Felt awesome to ride!!!

ps--- I've had entirely too much coffee .. LOL!! I'm a giddy mess right now. Between riding and caffiene.. I'll be lucky to sleep tonight!

i was riding to and from work all winter with the exception of when snow was on the ground...

its not cheesy.... its great!

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