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? for the reloaders.....

kawi kid

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Crushed walnut media is faster. You can mix corn cob and crushed walnut. Those are for dry tumbling. You can use corn meal if nothing else is available. That's the basics. Adding a few drops of polish or metal cleaner also works, but dry is ok.

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My Lyman tumbler died and I got a Frankford Arsenal and it came with a corn cob or something like it and their brand of polish. I must say it works pretty darn good. I used to use crushed walnut for really dirty brass and corn cob to just polish off the brass now I just use the corn cob polish for all of it.

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Crushed walnut or cobb are fine. I would suggest buying it from a pet store though since you can get a 5 or 10lb bag for a helluva lot cheaper then a gunshop. Its the same stuff they use for gerbils and other small pets bedding.

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The gf's father who has been cleaning it for me uses the stuff from pet stores but it was really coarse and i had a hellava time getting it outta my .243 casings. it took about an hour and an eye glass screw driver to get it all picked out :lol:

like you said it worked really well but for someone starting out that is something to consider that i learned the hard way. :D

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