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Benefit for Proud Pops (Jeff)


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Honey, I'm Home and glad to be here! Three and a half days in ICU, five in SMICU, and the remainder of the two weeks (to the hour) in a regular room. Tell the big guy in ICU, that was sent in to restrain me, sorry about kicking his ass with my eyes closed. I really don't remember Justin told me he saw it as they called him in to help restrain me.

I was found in some type of coma on a Friday morning across the foot of my bed. My ammonia level was up over 160, that's bad, real bad. Not to bore you with details but they told Justin and Sam to get my things in order and I probably wouldn't see the end of the weekend. Well that's the fourth time in my life the Reaper's asked me to dance. I must step on his toes or something because he always looks so dejected when I send him and his sickle packing. I'm slowly starting to remember more every day. I do remember that my phone was constantly ringing from well wishers along with a rotating door of visitors. Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts, for your calls, and for your visits. It really did mean a lot to me. I'm looking forward to the eighteenth even though I've always been on the other side of a benefit. Hopefully I'll get to meet some more of you.

Thank You

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  gsxrnurse said:
I was in room 260 taking care of a patient today so he is in the unit I'm on right now and apparently I walked by his room a lot of times. I could probably request to take care of him tomorrow but I think that might cross some professional boundaries somehow (even though I'm not sure I've ever met him). I'll definitely drop in and say hi tomorrow.

I have to admit, all of you in the step down unit absolutely spoiled me. Everyone that I dealt with, Nurses or PCA's, were the best! You are the definition of team work. It's too bad that some of the other floors couldn't work to near half of your efficiency.

Thank You and Goodnight.

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  ProudPops said:
I have to admit, all of you in the step down unit absolutely spoiled me. Everyone that I dealt with, Nurses or PCA's, were the best! You are the definition of team work. It's too bad that some of the other floors couldn't work to near half of your efficiency.

Thank You and Goodnight.

There are some good people there. I don't mind being part of that team. Thanks for your praise, a lot of times my work is emotionally taxing and thankless. I'm happy to hear that you are doing better. From now on though I'll be at Mount Carmel West in the Medical Cardiac ICU so you'll have to work a little harder to see me!

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  gsxrnurse said:
There are some good people there. I don't mind being part of that team. Thanks for your praise, a lot of times my work is emotionally taxing and thankless. I'm happy to hear that you are doing better. From now on though I'll be at Mount Carmel West in the Medical Cardiac ICU so you'll have to work a little harder to see me!

Uhhh, I think I'll pass on working that hard, but thanks for the invite though.

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  shittygsxr said:
if she would hae known that you were there sooner I am sure that the care you would have received would have been even better. Next time you have a near death experience please notify us in a more timely manner.


Glad your home Pops. Like Carie said, sorry we couldn't make it to see you. I know we talked several times on the tele, but its not quite the same. We'll see you at the benefit if not sooner!

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Thank You all. Looking forward to seeing you on the eighteenth. Should be a good turnout, on top of the fact of seeing family and friends, my Union sent out fliers to all the members in Central OH, and two elevator companies here in town have included fliers in with paychecks.

I'm sure I'll have a story or two to tell, I always do.

Thank You

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That's cool, I haven't seen Tim in a while. They are roping off the front for bikes except for in front of the Chinese Rest. He won't have you towed but he will come over and tell Cindy then she has to track you down. I don't have a problem with that, afterall he's trying to run a business too. There's parking in the back, aross the street, or down the street at Kroger. Sounds like the hog should be done around 2/2:30, all 150# of him. I get a big fat pork samich in me maybe I won't look like Putty with a tan :D.

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  rockybalboa said:
I think I can make it. Is anybody besides JohhyMac going to try and ride? Happy Birthday John!

I'll try to ride up there for it, but I hope its not freezing out. I'm a pussy when it comes to being cold. I may be a little late. I suck. I know.

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Well, I was the only sport bike in the lot. I guess everyone's vagina was hurting yesterday. It was a really good turn out! I had to leave around 6 cuz it was my b-day and I had to go see the parents. When I left they had close to 4,500 raised!!!!!! Thats great!

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Haha. Nah, I figured I would get in trouble if I bought that. I think it sold for like $30. The guy that bought it was scary looking too :eek:

The puppy auction, yea, that was not right. Those things were only three weeks old. their eyes were not even open. I just hope the mother doesnt reject them. At that point in a puppy's life, they should not leave the side of their mom. If the mom thinks they smell funnny when they get back to her, she could just stop paying atttention to them..... Then the owners have to bottle feed them.... :nono:

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