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MLB 2K10 - No hitter = $1mil


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Well that didn't take long...

Alabama gamer pitches his way to a million dollars

Having occurred only 16 times since the modern baseball era began in 1900, pitching a perfect game is among the rarest feats in sports. It's the Holy Grail for pitchers, earning them a one-way ticket to sports immortality and a permanent spot in the history books.

But for 24-year-old Wade McGilberry, there was a more, uh, practical motivation: $1 million, which is exactly how much the Alabama man just won for throwing a perfect game in MLB 2K10 for the Xbox 360 and PS3.

"It was actually my wife who convinced me to go for it," he said in a statement. "I never thought I'd actually win a million dollars playing a video game, it's all still sinking in for me."

The prize is the culmination of 2K Sports' Perfect Game competition, which ran from March 2 to May 1. Gamers were required to play the game's MLB Today mode and select the "MLB 2K10 contest," which automatically defaults to the correct gameplay settings to ensure an even playing field. While McGilberry might not have been the only player to throw a perfect game, he was the first, earning the unprecedented million-dollar prize by tossing perfection on the very first day of competition.

McGilberry was presented with an oversized check at his home.

"The game itself was fantastic -- I'm glad I bought it either way -- but I have to say, this is a nice return on my investment," he said.

Considering the game retails for $49.99, that's a return of about $999,950.01. Nice indeed.

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not a no hitter, the challenge was a perfect game.

in a perfect game, no one reaches base at all.

in a no hitter, people can still reach base on balls or by being hit by pitch.

a perfect game is MUCH harder to get than a no hitter. there have only been 18 perfect games in the history of major league baseball. by contrast, there are about two no hitters each year.

Edited by John
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The winner and his wife were interviewed on Howard yesterday. They have been married for 2 years. Both virgins when married. He has never tasted alcohol and she has once. Her biggest sin was she lied to her parents once but how she skinned her knee while playing.....etc....... They will give the church 10% of all winnings before taxes they said.

I wonder if all of this money will change them.....

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Isn't America great? Fuck that shit...starving people/shitty education and we're paying some fuck $1M for playing a video game?

Who is this "we" you speak of? You make it sound like our tax money is paying this guy instead of a private enterprise.

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dallas braden pitched a perfect game yesterday for oakland. only the 19th person in the history of the majors to do so. only had 6 Ks too...

more people have orbited the moon than have pitched a perfect game.

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