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Gmail and Windows Vista


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Is anyone else unfortunate enough to be running Vista? My computer here at work runs it and for some reason when I try to log into my Gmail account it gets locked into a permanent refresh/reload loop? I don't have any problems on any of my 3 other computers which all run XP, just this one. :mad:

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Is anyone else unfortunate enough to be running Vista? My computer here at work runs it and for some reason when I try to log into my Gmail account it gets locked into a permanent refresh/reload loop? I don't have any problems on any of my 3 other computers which all run XP, just this one. :mad:

Might be a dumb suggestion but have you tried clearing the cache and cookies within Internet Explorer? My Gmail freezes at work too. I hit enter again in the address line and it goes in.

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I use vista and xp back to back, the xp machine is definitely lagging behind now that microsoft is ironing out all the small bumps. Service pack 1 has come out and now my machine is running flawless.

I use XP pro by the way. and Vista home premium.

I also use Gmail occasionally and don't have any problems.

it sounds to me like it's a website problem.

vista has way more security features to it. since its your works computer someone probably has blocked you from being able to access the site.

you wouldn't belive all the stuff you can allow or deny others from being able to do.

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