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May 21st (possibly) and 22nd 2010 at Nelson's Ledges


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This is ridiculous. What are the chances that the weather forecast is exactly the same as it was for the April 24 Mid-Ohio track day that got rained out. Mother nature really has it in for us this spring.

buy spare rims and rain tires. it'll never rain again.

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It rained in the morning on Saturday, then cleared up for a while after lunch, then it poured down a little later.... but overall it wasn't too bad.

I only saw the crash truck go out maybe 3-4 times all day.

I'm already signed up for the next one..... currently the forecast looks good for the 4th & 5th. :cool:

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Besides the crappy weather, I really enjoyed this track on Saturday. Especially when we had a few hours of dry weather (just enough for the track to dry up. To me, the bumpy patches throughout the track were not bad. There were lines that could be taken to avoid some of the rougher ones. The only turn that kinda messes with my head is I think is turn 13 (the final turn to the front straight) because of the patch-work but I felt pretty planted throughout the rest of the course (when it was dry).

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Ya I think we lucked out with the bit of good weather that we did have. From what I heard it rained pretty much all day up here in eastlake. I liked the track too, I didn't even notice the bumps and stuff, but probably because I was concentrating too much on lines, riding position, etc.

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Seems like a good time, other then the weather at times. So for me, either a track bike or an autocross car......

You're on vacation, get off the computer and go do something! :D

Track bike, not even a decision to make.

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Seems like a good time, other then the weather at times. So for me, either a track bike or an autocross car......

I ride 10-12 trackdays a year, which nets to about 1 front and 2 rear tires. I also count on burning through a $75 set of brake pads each season.

an car's tire bill is a LOT more expensive, PLUS it uses more gas, PLUS you have to store it, etc.

I think the choice is obvious.

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