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Unk Greg

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  • 1 month later...

I know I said no almosts, but popped over a rise on CR19, no the other one! And OH!Scheetz! A tanker truck sitting sideways across the road...whoa..Kawi, where did ya learn to manuever a truck?

Last nite, I saw a dead weasel, but it coulda actually been a mink!!! Maybe this dead animal stuff can pay a bit back.....how much for a mink pelt?

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  • 1 month later...

Okay another almost. but no hit, BUT warrants a mention. I think it was a hawk, it appeared outa no where and did an amazing tumbling kinda flight maneuver just off my left knee, left mirror area...didn't hear a thunk and saw nuthin' on the road. It had a white underbelly and dappled gray topside.

However, I did hear the... thunk, whap or whatever sound you may wish to use....for the deer! Yup, besting Kawi Kid, with a little bugger, not polka dotted like Kawi's - bigger, but not full size.....I'm so competitive...my deer was bigger! Nah, nah, nah, nah nah. Amazingly no go down, just a glancing hit (I guess it was glancing) on the rump....as I saw in the darkness the part behind the rib cage just in front of the hind leg and grimaced for the hit....Whack and it was gone. Deer and side fairing and immediately darker out there.

So pricing the pcs, headlight, nose cone, right fairing and some sort of inner panel. My short mc experience has learned me, Yamaha [arts cheapest, the Suzuke seems to be coming in just a bit more and the Honda, well, I think a used bike woulda been cheaper!

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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  • 8 months later...

2011 Thus far: Wifey got a squirrel...not completely but made it writhe in pain..it stopped and darted off. Musta ran over it's tail...come to think of it the tail wasn't up in the traditional question mark shape...me...just got a racoon - real early this AM. The Blackbird got a bird..earlier this Spring.

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2011 Thus far: Wifey got a squirrel...not completely but made it writhe in pain..it stopped and darted off. Musta ran over it's tail....

I woulda had to pass on the squirrel BBQ anyhow. I heard they were high in cholesteral. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

im assuming this is in a cage too?

I ran over a coon last year (didnt see the fucker at all), thought i fucked something up on my car keep driving and no issues. So I turned around to see what happened and it layed there on the ground, with its buddy sitting there poking it like to wake up.

Hahahahah. girlfriend started crying I laughed my ass off.

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