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Rand Paul (Ron Paul's son) wins Kentucky GOP nomination


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I have voted for Ron Paul in the past, and I plan to continue doing so until he quits running. It's a rather extreme claim to make, but I firmly believe that Ron Paul is the best chance that our country has to turn things around and get on the right track. Adding Rand to the ticket would only make a good candidate even better (assuming a paul/paul run for the presidency)

If you don't agree with me, read this and see if it changes your mind any:


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I have voted for Ron Paul in the past, and I plan to continue doing so until he quits running. It's a rather extreme claim to make, but I firmly believe that Ron Paul is the best chance that our country has to turn things around and get on the right track. Adding Rand to the ticket would only make a good candidate even better (assuming a paul/paul run for the presidency)

If you don't agree with me, read this and see if it changes your mind any:


Agreed. Ron Paul is my hero. Rand is following in his footsteps.

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"Don't you know," he asked, "that we can't sacrifice millions for the sake of the few?"

"You can! You must. When those few are the best. Deny the best its right to the top-and you have no best left.
What are your masses but mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned for those who deserve it?
What is the people but millions of puny, shriveled, helpless souls that have no thoughts of their own, no will of their own, who eat and sleep and chew helplessly the words others put into their mildewed brains? And for those you would sacrifice the few who know life, who are life?"""

What is the people? We, the people.

Blah. Ayn Rand was an anti-American elitist hack, and her philosophy is a toilet. It saddens me to see intelligent people regurgitating her nonsense 27 years after it should have died with her.

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"Don't you know," he asked, "that we can't sacrifice millions for the sake of the few?"

"You can! You must. When those few are the best. Deny the best its right to the top-and you have no best left.
What are your masses but mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned for those who deserve it?
What is the people but millions of puny, shriveled, helpless souls that have no thoughts of their own, no will of their own, who eat and sleep and chew helplessly the words others put into their mildewed brains? And for those you would sacrifice the few who know life, who are life?"""

What is the people? We, the people.

Blah. Ayn Rand was an anti-American elitist hack, and her philosophy is a toilet. It saddens me to see intelligent people regurgitating her nonsense 27 years after it should have died with her.

I think maybe you didn't read the thread. Rand Paul took the GOP primary in Kentucky. I don't think Ayn Rand was related to Rand Paul.... or Randy Quaid.... or Paul McCartney.

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I think maybe you didn't read the thread. Rand Paul took the GOP primary in Kentucky. I don't think Ayn Rand was related to Rand Paul.... or Randy Quaid.... or Paul McCartney.

Yeah, wrong Rand. :lol:

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I once found this group interesting. This thread and support of racism, prompts me to drop membership.

Support of racism????? Seriously????? :lol:

No racism here dude. If you're talking about the I love Arizona thread, that's not racism either. It's supporting and enforcing a Federal law that was already in place.

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another Paul in Washington gets me excited. Paul Squared presidential bid would rock. His other book.

"A Foreign Policy of Freedom" is also a good one by him. Not so much a book as a collection of his speeches to Congress. It's actually pretty sweet to read speeches he made against the wars and warning against some of the market problems we're having now. You can argue political philosophy if you want, but the man is fucking smart.

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I once found this group interesting. This thread and support of racism, prompts me to drop membership.

lol i suppose you also think the Redskins and Indians should change their name?

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I once found this group interesting. This thread and support of racism, prompts me to drop membership.

I think you would find quite the opposite by sticking around. Of course every group of 4000 has a few dick-wads, but I haven't seen them posting on this thread. The politics section is here to encourage debate. Calling conservative politics a "support of racism" is taking a big swig of the leftist Kool-Aid.

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i dont see anything wrong with what he was saying. i also got the point after the first time he said it even though he had to say it 25 different ways so that maddow cound hear every possible answer and still not get it; she doesnt seem to understand the concept of no gov't intervention. anyway, he was making the point that gov't should have no say in how an individual runs his/her business. the civil rights act should only apply to gov't buildings and not infringe on the private business owner. that being said, what do you think would happen to the business if they participated in racist policies.....no business. furthermore, i consider racism to be a gross form of ignorance and puts everyone in a position in which no one wins, which seems to be what Rand was saying. so, it seems that the only thing that is happening here is that the left is getting a head start at trying to thwart Rands' success in winning the seat in November. and so it goes, politics as usual and the losers are.....we, the people.

we could use some good libertarians right about now.

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I think maybe you didn't read the thread. Rand Paul took the GOP primary in Kentucky. I don't think Ayn Rand was related to Rand Paul.... or Randy Quaid.... or Paul McCartney.

I'm well aware that Rand Paul was not related to Ayn Rand, but:

Given who his father was, I kind of assumed he was named after her. After all, Ayn Rand's objectivism is a large part of what modern 'libertarianism' is based on.

So, a guy who spouts Ayn Rand's recycled material has a kid named Rand (who also spouts Ayn Rand's recycled material)-- it's a fair assumption. According to the Oracle of Wiki, though, he supposedly wasn't named after her, so that's something I guess.

Even so, her philosophy still sucks, and they suck for continuing to inflict it on the American people.

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I'm well aware that Rand Paul was not related to Ayn Rand, but:

Given who his father was, I kind of assumed he was named after her. After all, Ayn Rand's objectivism is a large part of what modern 'libertarianism' is based on.

So, a guy who spouts Ayn Rand's recycled material has a kid named Rand (who also spouts Ayn Rand's recycled material)-- it's a fair assumption. According to the Oracle of Wiki, though, he supposedly wasn't named after her, so that's something I guess.

Even so, her philosophy still sucks, and they suck for continuing to inflict it on the American people.

I can't argue with most of Ayn Rand's points. Although jarring and so very non-PC by today's sensitive standards, they do provoke some thought. I would also assume that Randall Paul goes by "Rand" not by mistake. Let's not get too caught up in generalizations though. I heard a rumor that there was world-power being run by someone who also has an interesting name. Conspiracy theorists on the other side of the spectrum attempt to tie that name to dictators, terrorists, and the true successors of Mohammed. But it also simply means "Handsome One".

Edited by C-bus
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