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Immigration, recession, debt, healthcare, taxes, dumbasses in Washington, etc


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I have been thinking for a few years that we're facing another civil war. With states going up against other states over immigration, I don't see this having a good outcome. Throw in the civil unrest with the people of this country, and you have a pot just about to boil over. So what do you think? Will our fine leaders (read fucking idiots) in Washington be able to save this country? Will we be speaking Chinese by 2020? Will one world government be pushed on us under the guise of financial and economic recovery? What's you shtick?

Whenever I start to get a little panicked about what's going on, I keep coming back to the fact that so many of our states, & countries of the world, are deeply interdependent upon each other now. This 'aint like the old days with our isolationist policy & the oceans acting as natural boundaries. This blue marble is getting increasingly smaller all the time.

Therefore I have hope that WWIII will be avoided, as Mother Russia & China now have a voracious appetite for our Levis & McDonalds, along with our consumption of Asian cars, anything at Walmart, etc, & I especially think we're long past the days where a Civil War can break out.... Except maaaybeee for Texas or California, because of their proximity to Mexico, large populations, & hispanic influences. I guess Alaska could split too, since they're all alone up there in Canada anyways.... But they don't strike me as unhappy rabblerousers

On the flip side.... I still say all it would take is for China to downgrade our credit rating, thereby raising our interest rate on all the $$ we owe them..... And they could take us over without a shot ever fired

Edited by Fonzie
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