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Cow Abuse at Conklin Dairy Farm


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Haven't watched the video nor will I. Don't care to see that crap especially when I know first hand that its not acceptable\needed to control an animal. All of our animals are babied and live better than a lot of people do.

i agree, i have rescued both my dogs from those kinds of situations and if i could take every animal i come across i would... but in reality this is the sick twisted world we live in...

yeah sam think about those sheep you abuse :D lol

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I knew I should not have watched this.... I'm no PETA but this PISSES me the EFFFF OFF!! My grandfather owns a diary farm in upstate New York, and we never treated the cows like this. Yes, they are dumb animals but that gives to right to beat 'em... I'm so pissed!!!!

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i agree, i have rescued both my dogs from those kinds of situations and if i could take every animal i come across i would... but in reality this is the sick twisted world we live in...

yeah sam think about those sheep you abuse :D lol

That's not abuse. Its love :sheepfucker::lol:

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I would love to have a go at that punk ass...what a fucking piece of shit. I hope, and I mean this with all sincerity, that someone sees him out somewhere and goes to town on him with a tire iron until he isn't moving. I have NO respect for people that mistreat animals.

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"an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"..... Ghandi

Those dudes are seriously disturbed sick fucks. I grew up working on a dairy farm and never seen anything like those fuktards. Only thing to take solace in is that when you punch a cow in the head it hurts your hand like hell

Edited by AOW
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"an eye for an eye makes the whole world bling"..... Ghandi

Those dudes are seriously disturbed sick fucks. I grew up working on a dairy farm and never seen anything like those fuktards. Only thing to take solace in is that when you punch a cow in the head it hurts your hand like hell

I'm a little concerned that you know this. I can't fathom what would make an adult think that this could be considered ok. Another reason I have no use for most people.

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+1... Government appointed board of "experts"' date=' if I remember correctly. :rolleyes:[/quote']

This story is not going to help the board out one bit or farmers. Seeing a owner do that is really bad. Its really hard for owners to know what it is going on in the barns every second with the employees. The owner should know better than to beat the cow, Ohio will continue to be targeted by Humane Farming, PETA and whatnot

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Oh, also - Did you hear that the guy asked to be let out on bail as he had animals to take care of? SERIOUSLY.. He said that to the Judge. It was on the news this morning.



Wow! Really? Fuck him.

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the best part about this is the guy was all worried about taking his police exam to become a cop WTF.... I don't care how dumb an animal is you don't beat them or hit them period especially a cow that doesn't defend itself. People make me sick..

Would of made a fine cop.. ehhh...yeahh.. no. :mad:

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I have no problem with people eating meat or dairy products, given that every other carnivore/ omnivore kills for food also. Most of my favorite foods involve red meat and cheese.

However, I do think that having these big over-evolved forebrains carries some ethical obligation to minimize the suffering involved for our prey.

I really hope these guys get violently sodomized, beaten, or otherwise made to suffer and feel as helpless as the animals they've abused. Repeatedly. Until they die.

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I am sensing a lot of hate in this thread. :D


I don't hate people based on where they're from, what they look like, what gender they're attracted to, or what they believe.

Their actions, on the other hand, are a totally acceptable basis for wanting to see them weeping in a bloody pile on the floor of a prison shower.

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