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The Moving Wall. Mobile Vietnam War Mermorial. On Display in Westerville OH. 05/27-31


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Just went and checked out the Moving Wall. http://www.themovingwall.org/

Its sobering to say the least. 58,261 names staring at you.

It is set up right now. it was escorted in and set up by Ohio Patriot Guard this morning.



It will be on display at this location through Monday the 31st. This is something for sure to see.




We will be doing a police escorted ride by on Saturday morning 05/29/10.

If you want to join us the details are in this thread.


Edited by jagr
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It is pretty amazing. I remember seeing the real thing in DC when I was a young kid. I didn't really understand what was going on, but my dad(a Vietnam vet) explained to me a lot of the people there were mourning a lost friend and what all the names meant.

I've heard that the traveling one has meant a lot to people that couldn't make the trip to DC.

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Unfortunatly Art this Holiday weekend is just a day off to most people. They aren't interested or care for what it's really about. :nono:

Word, Devildog. I saw the moving wall as a kid at an event called Firebase Cleveland, which was an annual VVA event that went from city to city each year, of which my dad was a member. He and I got to walk with his VVA chapter in a parade downtown, and they had the wall set up. I was old enough to understand what it meant, but not far enough in life yet for the gravity of it to weigh on me. Having served and lost friends myself now, things like the Wall and the WWII memorial are more than just pretty pieces of stone to me.

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I've been to Rolling Thunder and visited all the War Memorials in DC. The Traveling Wall is truly a great sentiment and a spectacular sight to see.

I rode by it this afternoon. The field decorated with American Flags is a beautiful thing to see from a distance, as well as riding up to it.

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Word, Devildog. I saw the moving wall as a kid at an event called Firebase Cleveland, which was an annual VVA event that went from city to city each year, of which my dad was a member. He and I got to walk with his VVA chapter in a parade downtown, and they had the wall set up. I was old enough to understand what it meant, but not far enough in life yet for the gravity of it to weigh on me. Having served and lost friends myself now, things like the Wall and the WWII memorial are more than just pretty pieces of stone to me.

My early years don't read much different than yours. My father joined and served 3 tours in Marine Infantry. Not many of his friends came home from the first tour. So I was raised to respect Veterans.

If you served chances are you lost a friend or two. My problem is the named have faded but the faces and memories are clear as day. Semper Fi my Brothers.

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