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I've posted about my truck before but feel the need to again...

Bought my dads 94 S10 2.2L (165K) for a grand two years ago. Needed tires so I put them on and needed other parts but all in all it ran fairly well.

As of last October the little bastard puked the tranny. I pulled it out and rode in all kinds of fun weather for 3 weeks while waiting on parts. I put a Ford Motorsports T5 tranny rebuild kit in it. I also ordered a few gears off ebay. Suprisingly everything worked well. I had never rebiuilt a tranny before so I was very pleased with my outcome. Only down side was now I was stuck with dumping money into this pig instead of getting a new beater.

A month later the gas tank sprung a horrible leak, a month after that the gawd damn heater core went bad, a month after that I replaced the whole exhaust (and I mean from the exhast manifold to the tail pipe), two months after that I replaced the brakes (I ran all new hard line and from the master cyl on back is new), two weeks ago I replaced the battery, then the other day I overheated. I put a new clutch fan on (mine was bad) along with several radiator hoses and a new sepentine belt. The starter would hardly start the damn truck so I replaced that. It still ran hot, so I put a new thermostate and gasket in. Today driving back to work from lunch I saw the temp guage was rising so I mashed the gas (hopping that I would put a dieing dog to rest) and it overheated but not to a critical point.

I'm certain at this point it needs a new head gasket but not certain I feel like doing the work. Should I just say fuck it and buy a newer nicer truck? If it werent for the fact I get parts at cost I'd be way in over my head at this point. It would have been cheaper to have a car payment and less stress of turning the key and hopping for the damn thing to get me where I need to go.

Decisions decisions....

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I have a nice S10 for sale... like new. :p

I'm half-joking, but I was in your same spot many moons ago... I tooled around in a 1989 GMC Jimmy 4WD I bought for $500, put a gas tank in it, brake lines, half-shaft, rebuilt the starter, etc... it began nickel and dime-ing me to death, and always stranding me at inopportune times. It was mainly a blow to my pride every time I had to call my ol' man to bail me out/tow me home.

You lose a little of your manhood when you call your "daddy" to haul your POS home. My dad didn't think anything of it "cuz you're family" (he's good people), but my ego didn't like that.

Sold the Jimmy for $500 (after a deer hit me during a rally race), I had about $1k and 40 man-hours fixing/replacing parts sunk into it at that point and, that's how I ended up with a new 2003 S10 ZR2 as a Sophomore in college. I let all my "problems" become someone elses headache at least for the warranty period... I guess I can't complain too much, it cost me all of $500 after it was all said and done to drive the beast for a year. Plus, in a beater, you never had to worry about door dings or "keeping it nice" - there's something to be said for that.

My $0.02, if you can afford it, I'd say do it. I value my time more than anything, so the less time I have to worry about having a reliable vehicle, the better. It was worth it from that aspect. You can bank money, but you can't bank time. Besides, you can't take $$$ with you after you're dead.

But, I originally wanted just a base model S10 (Would've been < $10k OTD after all the sweet rebates at the time + GMS pricing), and ended up decking it out to the most expensive model (MSRP $29k) because I figured I'd be keeping it for a long time. So, just be smart about your purchase decisions - don't get roped into buying all the bells and whistles if you know you're not going to keep the new car forever. All these pieces of metal do are depreciate, so the less money you spend up front the less money you'll lose. Taking a $5k hit on a $10k vehicle is financially smarter than a $15k hit on a $30k vehicle though that's a drastically oversimplified financial analysis.*

Good luck dude.

*Do as I say and not as I do -- I think I have swine flu or some brainworm because I'm looking at Avalanches right now to replace the S10. I'm a scrooge when it comes to money, so I've gotta be going crazy to think I can treat myself to a $50k truck. WANT, but definitely not a NEED.

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*Do as I say and not as I do -- I think I have swine flu or some brainworm because I'm looking at Avalanches right now to replace the S10. I'm a scrooge when it comes to money, so I've gotta be going crazy to think I can treat myself to a $50k truck. WANT, but definitely not a NEED.

Do it Justin, the Avalanche is a great truck. I love mine even though I don't drive it much. It's going on 2 yrs old now and I only have 4k miles on it.


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