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Don't you hate it when people just stop without any warning?


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So this happened to me a few days ago before I was on these great little forums.

I was out riding with my dad(who happens to have a big boring Harley but thats neither here nor there) and we were in a 55mph zone and with no effin warning some jackass decides he is going to just suddenly stop for no apparent reason no turn signal or anything.And im a good distance away at this point but when someone goes to a dead stop from 55 it kind of takes a lot for you to stop.So I hit my breaks and they didn't really seem to be helping so I squeezed/pushed on my breaks a little more and my back tire locks up and shortly after so does my front and up the back of the bike goes and I come about 2 feet from running into the back of the moron in the truck.I was fine just a it shaken up.Oh and the dude in the truck just kept on his merry way after that he didn't turn or anything , just kept right on going like he did nothing wrong.

Now im sure I made some newb mistakes in that situation but I guess that is going to happen with a new rider.Just how everything happened really pissed me off,I really wish people would pay a little bit more attention to their surroundings so stuff like that didn't happen.As we all know though is that just isn't reality and people don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.

End rant.

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There used to be a guy on the East side of C-bus that would try to tag cars and bikes behind him by doing a sudden stop. He eventually did that to the wrong person, and he got arrested. I guess he was charged with "being a nut case". Supposedly he really didn't like tailgaters, but his interpretation of tailgater seemed to be "anyone behind him that he could slam the brakes and piss off".

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