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US Land Closed to US Citizens?


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maybe the US should rethink its failed drug policies, which are really whats making the cartels so rich. as long as cocaine remains a multi billion dollar industry, its never going to stop. i dont care if you send the national guard or not, its not going to stop. i mean, if YOU were making 300 billion dollars a year smuggling coke into the US, would you let the national guard stop you? didnt think so. they throw SO MUCH product at the border its IMPOSSIBLE to stop it all.

one of their favorite tricks is to send a smaller shipment and a very large shipment. then they call in a "tip" to the cops about the small shipment. then when the cops are all sucking each others dicks over how awesome they are for catching this 20 kilogram shipment, the other larger shipment slips through undetected.

Edited by John
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and of course they compensate the driver (of the called in shipment) enough so that when he gets arrested and put in our jail for 6 months then released, he can purchase a nice crib in downtown pheonix and become a drug dealer for them.....effing crazy.

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and of course they compensate the driver (of the called in shipment) enough so that when he gets arrested and put in our jail for 6 months then released, he can purchase a nice crib in downtown pheonix and become a drug dealer for them.....effing crazy.

either that or they grab someone off the street and say do this or we will kill you and if you tell anyone we will kill your family too.

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we should pull all our troops from over seas...let them guard all of our borders and shut down all aid to other countries...stop imports without equal exports.

if all the illegal immigrants with to be legal let them serve 4 years in the military then when finished they get a green card and no welfare until then.


( legal American)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont worry, Obama will fix the situation. He wants to grant them all amnesty. I'm sure once they are all legal citizens they will stop being criminals, never wind up on any form of public assistance and amnesty should discourage any more of them from sneaking into the country, right? With the un-employment rate at the highest in decades, tax revenue at a low and national debt at an all time high, surely more people will just help, right?

Obama is dumber than chicken.........

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This is what a friend of mine had to say about it, & I'm thinkin' I agree anymore.....

One soldier every 200 meters with M40 rifles. Orders of shoot to kill. After a few days word will get around to stop this nonsense.

I welcome anyone into this country that wants to become a law abiding citizen.

But running the border is your first illegal act. Not a good first impression.

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maybe the US should rethink its failed drug policies, which are really whats making the cartels so rich. as long as cocaine remains a multi billion dollar industry, its never going to stop. i dont care if you send the national guard or not, its not going to stop. i mean, if YOU were making 300 billion dollars a year smuggling coke into the US, would you let the national guard stop you? didnt think so. they throw SO MUCH product at the border its IMPOSSIBLE to stop it all.

This reminds me.... Anyone seen that new ESPN 30 for 30, "The Two Escobars".... About Pablo & Andres & Columbian "narco soccer"?? Forbes had Pablo listed as "Top 100 Richest Men in the World" at one point.... A friggin' drug dealer on a mainstream list :nono:

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