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Keep my Mom's Boyfriend in your thoughts and prayers please...

KL9 F4i

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I know some here aren't religious and I can't exactly say im super religious myself. But I try to say a prayer here and there and try to have faith that bad things get better. I'll try to make this brief...My parents split when I was in the sixth grade. Long story short my mom has dated some real a**holes and has had to go through some things that would literally tear a lot of people apart, finally after about 9 years she has found a guy who is literally the coolest nicest guy I have ever met. He treats her awesome and I wouldnt want anything else for her. He also treats my younger sister and I very well. He is retired from the airforce and is just an all around great guy. For the past 8-9 months he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and has been in and out of the hospital having fluid removed from around his lungs which constricts his breathing. Recently (within the past few days) he has been laid up in a hospital bed while he has had multiple tests done trying to figure out why his situation keeps getting worse, my mom has told me that now his whole heart is failing and he will more then likely need a heart transplant unless something turns for the better. He is A- which is an extremely rare blood type and it will be very difficult for them to get a donor heart from what I have been told. Worst case scenario if they find a certain protien around his heart they wont even give him a transplant because the protein will attack his new heart and they will give him a life expectancy instead. It sucks because he was such a healthy guys rarely drinks and if hes does its a beer or 2, doesn't smoke, eats healthy etc... I guess I am just asking for everyone to please keep him in your thoughts and prayers because my mom would literally do anything for anyone to help them out and she deserves to have such a good person in her life (she doesnt really have anyone else). Her and I are like best friends and she has been through enough and I just want this all to turn out ok for her...She has cried to me about this on the phone for about the past week (shes in her early 50's and I'm 21 just for everyone to get an idea that we arent dealing with 80 yr olds here lol) and it takes a hell of a lot for her to break down.

Sorry it was kind of a long post, I needed to vent it though. For those of you who read it thank you! I'll try to keep periodic updates. Let's hope for the best!

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