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I don't use google any more. Wont use them.

Ever since they started paying gays more


fuck em.

Gay or straight at the end of the day they take home the same so what does it matter? They just give them a little extra so after taxes it is equal.

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Gay or straight at the end of the day they take home the same so what does it matter? They just give them a little extra so after taxes it is equal.

Yep. If we gave them the same rights the rest of us have, this kind of thing probably wouldn't be happening.

I have a lot of problems with some of Google's practices regarding user information and privacy, but I'll give them their due when they at least try to give their straight and gay employees the same net result. Not a perfect solution, but at least it's an attempt.

Anyway, I really want some chicken now.

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Gay or straight at the end of the day they take home the same so what does it matter? They just give them a little extra so after taxes it is equal.
Yep. If we gave them the same rights the rest of us have, this kind of thing probably wouldn't be happening.

I have a lot of problems with some of Google's practices regarding user information and privacy, but I'll give them their due when they at least try to give their straight and gay employees the same net result. Not a perfect solution, but at least it's an attempt.

Anyway, I really want some chicken now.

Not equal.

If they're paid more, taxes are higher, and the opportunity for greater net wages is there as well.

This doesn't address the marriage penalty either - for those that are normal and married.

Sounds to me like the government WANTS to create another "protected class" of people.

Back to "separate but equal" once again. Funny how its ok when the members of the "group" do it, but not ok when someone else puts them there.


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Not equal.

If they're paid more, taxes are higher, and the opportunity for greater net wages is there as well.

This doesn't address the marriage penalty either - for those that are normal and married.

Sounds to me like the government WANTS to create another "protected class" of people.

Back to "separate but equal" once again. Funny how its ok when the members of the "group" do it, but not ok when someone else puts them there.


I agreed that it wasn't a perfect solution. It was one company's attempt to address an inequality in the current system. Incidentally, Google isn't the government. Google is trying to do something because the government doesn't allow this group of people the same rights that others have. That's kind of the opposite of a protected class.

We should just let them get married and get the same wages and taxes as the rest of us. Problem solved.

What any consenting adults do together is none of my business, and it shouldn't be the government's either. Issue the license, and let them find their own church or whatever if they want a traditional ceremony.

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I agreed that it wasn't a perfect solution. It was one company's attempt to address an inequality in the current system. Incidentally, Google isn't the government. Google is trying to do something because the government doesn't allow this group of people the same rights that others have. That's kind of the opposite of a protected class.

We should just let them get married and get the same wages and taxes as the rest of us. Problem solved.

What any consenting adults do together is none of my business, and it shouldn't be the government's either. Issue the license, and let them find their own church or whatever if they want a traditional ceremony.

There's plenty of "inequality" in life based on choices people make. Too fucking bad.

For what its worth, "marriage" is a religious issue - the government made it a civil issue. Its one more thing that they ought to get the fuck out of.

You really think that homosexuals aren't a "protected" class? Do you live in a cave, or just pay attention to shit when its convenient for you? The government says you cant fire, or not hire someone because they're gay. If you commit a crime against them, its a "special" kind of crime - it becomes a "hate" crime. They have their own "groups", their own "Olympics" and who knows what else. Give me a fucking break.

I'm well aware that google isn't the government. When private companies make a decision to promote a certain "agenda" I have the choice whether or not to continue patronizing those companies. Google is one I'll no longer use.

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There's plenty of "inequality" in life based on choices people make. Too fucking bad.

For what its worth, "marriage" is a religious issue - the government made it a civil issue. Its one more thing that they ought to get the fuck out of.

You really think that homosexuals aren't a "protected" class? Do you live in a cave, or just pay attention to shit when its convenient for you? The government says you cant fire, or not hire someone because they're gay. If you commit a crime against them, its a "special" kind of crime - it becomes a "hate" crime. They have their own "groups", their own "Olympics" and who knows what else. Give me a fucking break.

I'm well aware that google isn't the government. When private companies make a decision to promote a certain "agenda" I have the choice whether or not to continue patronizing those companies. Google is one I'll no longer use.

Yep, the big scary gays are coming to take away your rights, invalidate your marriage, and have a sporting event that you can't join. They're also going to color-coordinate your clothes. You have every right to feel terrified. :rolleyes:

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Yep, the big scary gays are coming to take away your rights, invalidate your marriage, and have a sporting event that you can't join. They're also going to color-coordinate your clothes. You have every right to feel terrified. :rolleyes:


So, because your uneducated statements make you look foolish your only choice is to attack.

Go fuck yourself, tough guy.

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Nah. Jrmiii is apparently just nicer than I am. Some days I just don't have the patience to do anything other than laugh at you.

You seem to regard homosexuality as a choice. Science has yet to conclusively prove a specific genetic or hormonal cause of sexual orientation, but the studies are tending to show things in that direction. Time will tell, but anyone who knows gay people will likely already know the answer-- they chose to be gay about as much as we chose to be straight.

Remember that kid in grade school who was jumping rope while every other boy was playing football? Everyone I've known who turned out to be gay was pretty obviously 'different' at a very early age.

Anyway, the question's still scientifically up-in-the-air enough that I won't argue it with you.

I agree that government should stay away from the religious aspects of marriage. There is, however, a benefit to having some legal framework within which to simplify the combining of households and property and the distribution of same in the event of death or divorce. Stable, long-term relationships also promote social stability and a more solid foundation for the raising of children.

I just see no reason why that framework shouldn't be made available for any consenting adults-- whether or not they're packing the same crotch tackle really makes no difference to me. It has no impact on my life or my marriage.

An added benefit is that gay folks only have (or adopt) kids when they want them and are prepared for it-- we straight folks are the ones who mass-produce by accident, whether we can afford it or not.

And what you refer to as 'protected' status is generally an attempt to address a pattern of discrimination which already exists. From the EEOC's website:

"The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information."

Now, you know perfectly well that people have practiced hiring discrimination for all of these reasons at one point or another in our history. The country as a whole stands to benefit from stopping such practices, because basically everyone fits some category that might be discriminated against. If you haven't been, then just consider yourself fortunate that you were born a member of a group which is more socially accepted right now.

Similarly, hate crimes laws are an attempt (admittedly imperfect) to address a set of crimes which are considered especially repugnant, divisive, and harmful to society. Racially- or religiously- motivated hate crimes are a no-brainer. Gays are included because they too have been historically targeted for violence simply for being 'different'. I can certainly see a need to look at or revise how those laws are applied, but the idea behind them is not a bad one: Violent bigotry is not good for the country, period.

Regarding your point about gay groups and the gay olympics-- so what? People are inherently tribal. We tend to want to be around people with whom we have things in common, particularly when there is some form of shared adversity. It's the same reason old vets hang out at the VFW, or immigrant groups tend to move to the same neighborhoods.

So gay people like to spend time with other gay people? Why is that a problem? They go to their own bars because they know they're not going to get beat up for trying to flirt with somebody. How does that hurt you?

Do I get mad if you hang out with your friends and don't invite me? Of course not, we have nothing in common.

If gay insularity bothers you, perhaps you should work to help bring them into the mainstream. If they were treated like everyone else, the need for what you perceive as special privileges would be obviated. If they could get married like the rest of us, Google would have no reason for its pay practices.

I guess I just don't see how any of this materially harms you. Not everything is zero-sum.

Hell, despite all the other things I could disagree with Barry Goldwater about, he understood:

“The rights that we have under the Constitution covers anything we want to do, as long as its not harmful. I can't see any way in the world that being a gay can cause damage to somebody else,”

Although my reading suggests he may have come to his views on the matter after he had a gay grandson.

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Dang this thread got interesting. How did a dancing guy with chicken move to gay marriage? :lol:

Because we can all agree that chicken is awesome, so we had to find something to fight about.


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