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Ford fired from Motorcyclist magazine for telling truth about helmets


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Yeah, I always laugh when reading high-end audio magazines which are most definitely influenced by the advertisers. I enjoy reading the reviews and trying to filter out the fluff to get to what the audio component really sounds like.

For instance, after reading so much about certain speakers, I thought that they must be revolutionary. Long story short, I went to audition them with my own reference material and was disappointed. After asking the salesman what a reasonably priced upgrade for my current system would be, he said there is none except the next model up from the same manufacturer.

Interestingly, the manufacturer of my speakers do not advertise in magazines.

I'm not saying that there aren't some amazing products in magazines, and honestly it's a great way for an unknown company to get the word out. It's just that the amount of required interpretation seems directly proportional to the advertisements in the magazine.

"All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth." Friedrich Nietzsche

Edited by alienpi
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You guys be careful about taking this off topic. Angry Ben will change your avatars; he doesn't like his threads to be jacked. I would suggest you take this conversation to PMs.

Speaking of PMs, where do I complain about receiving PMs soliciting me for gay sex?

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I didn't want to turn it into an advertisement or a product bashing scenario, so I just kept it general. I have more experience with audio magazines than motorcycle magazines, and thought it related. Since you asked they are Magnepan.

I'm not saying they are the best speaker for every type of music, but for realistic, high-resolution, 3-dimensional sound I've found nothing better for the money. Of course I've heard a few speakers that I'd love to own, but they usually end up costing 3-5 times more. I love the sound of the Reference 3A L'INTEGRAL NOUVEAU, but I can't justify the cost.

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I didn't want to turn it into an advertisement or a product bashing scenario, so I just kept it general. I have more experience with audio magazines than motorcycle magazines, and thought it related. Since you asked they are Magnepan.

I'm not saying they are the best speaker for every type of music, but for realistic, high-resolution, 3-dimensional sound I've found nothing better for the money. Of course I've heard a few speakers that I'd love to own, but they usually end up costing 3-5 times more. I love the sound of the Reference 3A L'INTEGRAL NOUVEAU, but I can't justify the cost.

i KNEW that's what it was going to be. i considered getting those but wanted to learn by doing with some cheaper stuff first (I only just finished my starter 7.1 not too long ago). anyway, that's the last of this OT.

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You should pay attention to this forum we have a lot of useful information and some fun. Stick around a little more and you would know that.


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You guys be careful about taking this off topic. Angry Ben will change your avatars; he doesn't like his threads to be jacked. I would suggest you take this conversation to PMs.

Speaking of PMs, where do I complain about receiving PMs soliciting me for gay sex?

They're not private anymore.... He's posted them :D

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