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motorcyle crashes in to semi (caution)


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My friend received an email with these details and brought it to work to show me lastnight. It happened back in April so you may have already seen it. It's not everyday you get this kind of reality check!

motorcycle vs semi crash

Police report


Yeah, this was posted before here. The police report wasn't posted though. I'll have to check it out.

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((a little off topic for the thread))

Why is it that no matter what people post on here some people just cant help but f*cking bitch about it all the f*cking time. If you have that sh!t of a f*cking life that you feel the need to inflict your misery on everyone else DONT!!!, Just shut the f*ck up.

All you seem to do on here is f*cking moan about just everything you can like you are the f*cking expert on all there is to know about everything.

I did not think for one moment that you could resist jumping in on this thread I am only shocked that one person replied before you.

When ever I read threads on here now I just ait to here you expert opinion on how wrong everyone else is & how great you (think you) are.

Please from here on out if you dont have anything good or really constructive to say, just dont bother.

Thats just my 2 cents anyway. :bigfinger:

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inflict misery? I am not the one posting pics of dead bikers. Enough of us have already been in accidents and dont need or care to see that shit. Angrish just bought his wife a new car, did everybody go a post pics of smashed mustangs with dead people everywhere?

By the way being perfect isnt easy, there are a few other people on here that have the same problem. Dont you guys have a fund raiser for Bill Gates to attend?

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((a little off topic for the thread))

Why is it that no matter what people post on here some people just cant help but f*cking bitch about it all the f*cking time. If you have that sh!t of a f*cking life that you feel the need to inflict your misery on everyone else DONT!!!, Just shut the f*ck up.

All you seem to do on here is f*cking moan about just everything you can like you are the f*cking expert on all there is to know about everything.

I did not think for one moment that you could resist jumping in on this thread I am only shocked that one person replied before you.

When ever I read threads on here now I just ait to here you expert opinion on how wrong everyone else is & how great you (think you) are.

Please from here on out if you dont have anything good or really constructive to say, just dont bother.

Thats just my 2 cents anyway. :bigfinger:

No offense man but why is it that everyone feels the need to jump on everyone else case about their opinions when their significant other posts something. She is a grown woman and knows all about messaging boards and the results of posting. No one attacked her personally and there is no need for your attitude towards others as if they did attack her. If someone attacked her directly then yes I understand but when people comment about a post, thats all it is, its a comment.

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Honestly, I agree with both of you. I hate those pictures. And that ride2die website fucking sucks. I should start collecting images of airliner crashes and make a website. Then nobody will want to fly!


I think Mr. Bret needs to chill for a second.

Shitty is a dick, but that's why he and Flounder get along so well.

Peace hombres, peace.

Okay, now everyone hug.

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Ok, once again I have to explain myself about my post ....AGAIN! :roll:

I have seen dozens of pics from motorcycle crashes. This one in particular just seemed to be a bit more "slap in the face" than the others. The body is limp and hanging, recognizable. The guy ran into a semi truck, it just doesn't seem like your everyday crash seen. So I thought I would pass it on.

why the fuck is it that when ever you tell someone that you have a motorcycle they show you lots of picks of dead motorcyclists. Tell your friend that she sucks

As a matter of fact, the friend who showed me the pics rides also...

Dont you guys have a fund raiser for Bill Gates to attend?

Hey, don't be bitching at me about the fund raiser when you blatently complained that you didn't have enough money to spare a few bucks because GXRNurse has student loans to pay. And now suddenly you are listing all the vehicles you guys have and post about buying a new car for the winter that happens to be an Audi?!?! It must be so hard living on the poverty line! :violin::lol:

I am sure that that guys family and friends appreciate the additional links to the pics.

As a matter of fact, I found lots of places where this guy's father said he wanted something good to come out of his son's death. I think if these pics make one person think twice, thus saving his/her life, that would be a positive thing stemming from a horrible accident.

No offense man but why is it that everyone feels the need to jump on everyone else case about their opinions when their significant other posts something. She is a grown woman and knows all about messaging boards and the results of posting. No one attacked her personally and there is no need for your attitude towards others as if they did attack her. If someone attacked her directly then yes I understand but when people comment about a post, thats all it is, its a comment.

I haven't been back to this post since I put it up. Just because Bret replied before I did has nothing to do with the fact that we're married or that it is my post. He's just tired of all the shit that gets flung around here by the same few ppl! :flingpoo:

Shitty is a dick, but that's why he and Flounder get along so well.

...and these are two of the reasons why this board has such a bad reputation for being a bunch of dicks. It's no wonder ppl think that sportbike riders are such assholes. This is one of the few sites that's not all Harleys and when ppl log on they are faced with negative comments. Of the almost 1000 ppl who have signed up on this board, don't you wonder why so few still post on here? I know it's a forum and ppl are entitled to their opinion but if you beat a dog every time it greets you, it will stop greeting you.

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go read some of the responses that were left on the link you posted, and tell me how many people disrespected that guy. If someone from here died like that and they were disrespected they would get a punch in the face.

Did you make it to the Proud pops benefit? I certainly hope so because him and his kids are on this site and we all know him. I stopped by and donated some items for the auction and left and GSXRnurse happened to be working on the unit where he was at. I believe that he praised the workers there and there teamwork. So keep all of your comments about how heartless we are to yourself . I am glad you save animals it is a great cause, but watch who you insult cause GSXRnurse saves people, and some of those people have a lot of friends that care about them. So if you are trying to compare dick sizes dont fuck with John Holmes

Fuck yeah we are getting an AUDI, it will look good next to the other rides. It has really nice all wheel drive and traction control so GSXRnurse can get to the hospital even in bad weather to help save lives

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I tried to just post the first part of that forum with the info and the pics but yes, I work on animals, I'm not a computer whiz and could only get the website for the forum to post.

And no, I didn't make it to Pop's benefit because I had to work. Same reason I didn't actually make it to the other benefit you are bitching about.

What the fuck does my job have anything to do with this anyway?! :dunno:

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