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toyota is NOT AT FAULT!!!!


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Regardless of WHERE a vehicle comes from, it's hypocritical to take the stance you wouldn't buy a vehicle from a "Government owned" auto company, but then say you'll buy a Toyota. No?

I dunno. Doesn't gain a lot of traction with me. But hell, go ahead an slap a "Buy American" sticker on that 'yota while you're at it. Whatever.

i don't own a toyota, fuck those socialists. i only drive nissan. bwahahaha

lighten up jermii, i'm just fuckin around. besides, i only wanted to make the point that japan and toyota can do whatever they want, but in the US, we should not allow similar behavior. it's not just GM/Chrysler either, but that's too much of a thread jack.

I thought you were Filireano. Or perhaps Malaydonesian, I can never tell with you people.


what ocean?

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I'm telling you guys...mandatory drivers ed every time you renew is the only way to keep idiots off the streets.
I agree with this 100%. And, driver's education should be much more difficult. If the lady at the BMV who doesn't speak English and doesn't understand the street signs can pass, it's too easy.

I'd love for this to happen... However I'd be content with a start of upping the driving age to 18, making the test for both bikes and cars much harder, and at least a retest at 65 then every time you have to get your new license. Old people and kids are what usually give me the most scares.

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