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were Cleveland sports fans, we can't let shit go that happened 20 years ago how do you expect us to forget this in 6 days :lol:

I was once like you, until it became blatantly obvious to me that Cleveland had no intention of winning anything at all. Then I embraced my second home, the Yankees/Jets. All is now right with the world, and I can sit on my tower made of World Series trophies and marvel in how I allowed myself to be shackled to teams that, honestly, are more productive as tax write-offs then actual sports franchises.

But hey, you keep fuckin' that chicken. Sooner or later you'll get your reward, I just hope you're not carrying around an oxygen tank and playing Bingo when it happens. :)

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I was once like you, until it became blatantly obvious to me that Cleveland had no intention of winning anything at all. Then I embraced my second home, the Yankees/Jets. All is now right with the world, and I can sit on my tower made of World Series trophies and marvel in how I allowed myself to be shackled to teams that, honestly, are more productive as tax write-offs then actual sports franchises.

But hey, you keep fuckin' that chicken. Sooner or later you'll get your reward, I just hope you're not carrying around an oxygen tank and playing Bingo when it happens. :)

shit son thats pretty optimistic, I'll be 6ft under before it happens :D

Cleveland sports is the reason my love of Buckeye football took off when I was 8

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shit son thats pretty optimistic, I'll be 6ft under before it happens :D

Glad the realist in you is starting to emerge. Screw what the other people say. Get in your car right now and buy a Yankees hat, and your journey towards the Dark Side will be complete.

Cleveland sports is the reason my love of Buckeye football took off when I was 8
I'm starting to have the same feelings about the Bucks. Something tells me people are onto Tressel, and he's migrated from being the "new guy with fresh ideas" to the guy that runs the same play arrangements year by year.
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nobody said it was easy being a cleveland sports fan.

anyone can love the yankees or lakers or whoever is a good NFL team because they win and they play well... it takes a special breed of retard to love such winners as the indian or cavs or browns. but oh well, "there's always next year".

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Glad the realist in you is starting to emerge. Screw what the other people say. Get in your car right now and buy a Yankees hat, and your journey towards the Dark Side will be complete.

I'm so realistic people think I'm just always negative. As for the 2nd sentence, I'd rather be beaten repeatedly in the head with a baseball bat

nobody said it was easy being a cleveland sports fan.

anyone can love the yankees or lakers or whoever is a good NFL team because they win and they play well... it takes a special breed of retard to love such winners as the indian or cavs or browns. but oh well, "there's always next year".

preach on brotha

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I'm so realistic people think I'm just always negative. As for the 2nd sentence, I'd rather be beaten repeatedly in the head with a baseball bat

I'll ensure it's been signed by Jeter himself before it strikes your melon. That way at least you can say greatness hit you upside the head. :)

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I'll ensure it's been signed by Jeter himself before it strikes your melon. That way at least you can say greatness hit you upside the head. :)

I'm ok with Jeter, he is a class act and one hell of a ballplayer. I also like Nick Swisher but thats obvious since he's a Buckeye. I should say I hate the "modern era" Yankees, when you start talking about Ruth, Mantle, Gehrig and those likes well then I don't mind them so much :D

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