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Shouldn't this have been a hate crime?


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he must've been RRRRRRRRRReeaaally drunk to 1. hit on her, and 2. get his ass kicked by 2 kitchen appliances.

heh heh

If by kitchen appliances you mean one violent woman with a record of assaults and one woman just back from a tour with the military, ok.

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Nah, they didn't beat him up for being straight. They beat him up because he hit on a 'taken' girl. Guys do it to other guys all the time. This was a little different because they both beat him, but it sounds like stupid drunk people stuff rather than stupid bigot stuff.

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i think it was a hate crime because they were hatin' on a playa. don't hate the playa, brah, hate the game.

it would've been funnier if they beat him unconscious with used dildos, like a billy club. or a double ende... never mind. yeah, like a billy club!

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Aren't most crimes perpetrated with hate (or at least a great dislike of the victim) in mind?

I'm guessing you don't think "Gee, I really like Casper, he's a great friend, I think I'm going to kick his ass." ? :confused:

"hate crimes" annoy me. I could assualt someone and be charged with assualt. But if that someone is "different" from me because of his skin color or sexual orientation, it's now "hate"? How come religion or nationality doesn't count? Hypothetically, If I didn't like Jewish people or Italians I could kick @ss all day long and only be charged with assualt, wouldn't matter that I hate them (hypothetically).

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I've always called them "sidecuts". I never liked the term "dyke". It's a word that implies I'm not getting what I want tonight. I don't like that.

See, when I say it I say it with an "i" you say it with a "y". That must make the difference.

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