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Oh man, you were all right... The Droid X is way better


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apple ftw

Not really. I'm not going into details at this moment, but I will say I'm back to using my 3GS right now. We'll see what Apple says tomorrow...............

Remember, I'm not an Apple Fanboy. I just like my shit to work. Right now, NONE of the smartphones on the market fit that criteria.

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My HTC Droid incredible works great. Steve Jobs is a pompous jackass who wouldn't admit a mistake if 10 million people people proved it in front of his face. I appreciate what the iPhone has done for the smartphone market by making it popular and eventually bringing out lots of options from competitors.

My incredible did end up coming back to full functional state after being soaked on the WV ride.

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as much as i like motorola's reliability and signal strength over-all

this is BULLSHIT.

I'm almost tempted to switch to another android phone, but that wouldn't take any of my money out of motorola's hands, they already got it.

Half the allure of a droid phones are that you can mod/hack/customize, sabotoging a phone if you do something like that is a dick move.

may as well buy a fucking iphone if you can't mod shit.

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My HTC Droid incredible works great. Steve Jobs is a pompous jackass who wouldn't admit a mistake if 10 million people people proved it in front of his face. I appreciate what the iPhone has done for the smartphone market by making it popular and eventually bringing out lots of options from competitors.

My incredible did end up coming back to full functional state after being soaked on the WV ride.

I was wondering about that!

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The one reason I might not get a Droid X. The eFuse chip is bullshit, defeats having a fricking open source OS on your phone. I haven't had the need to root my Droid though so I'm not sure I'd need to the Droid X either. At least it works as advertised so far.

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Technically no, but they seem to be replacing phones that are brought in with another that has a different serial number.

That hardly seems conclusive, as no two serial numbers are alike. Kinda the whole point.

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Yeah, Droid X, so terrible that it sold completely out the first day.

typical launch day gimme gimme gimme's. Wait until some of those people start trying to hack and permanently brick the phone.

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