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Obama wants to re-institute slavery!


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people are going absolutely nuts over this new bill 5741


anyone think it will pass? I sure don't...


look, here is a video of obama, it makes it look like he proposed this bill, now let's throw in some stock nazi footage...yeah!


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Whoa. I didn't read all of it but...

To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.

Pro-this might actually get this country into shape. People would be taught loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage.

Con-The Army as of a month or two ago when I looked into reenlisting are being very selective in who they enlist. Must have a HS diploma, not GED, clean record etc. They don't want and/or need more troops right now. More paychecks, taxes are their paychecks. And I don't want some draftee that doesn't give a damn about the military or country to have by back. As it stands now as a all volunteer military, most are willing to die for their fellow troops. I was and still am.

I could add more to this but for now, my 2 cents.

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Whoa. I didn't read all of it but...

Pro-this might actually get this country into shape. People would be taught loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage.

Con-The Army as of a month or two ago when I looked into reenlisting are being very selective in who they enlist. Must have a HS diploma, not GED, clean record etc. They don't want and/or need more troops right now. More paychecks, taxes are their paychecks. And I don't want some draftee that doesn't give a damn about the military or country to have by back. As it stands now as a all volunteer military, most are willing to die for their fellow troops. I was and still am.

I could add more to this but for now, my 2 cents.

there is no way it passes. The person who proposed it isn't even voting for it. He only proposed (and continues to propose) it as a reminder to congressmen and senators of our men and women in uniform.

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there is no way it passes. The person who proposed it isn't even voting for it. He only proposed (and continues to propose) it as a reminder to congressmen and senators of our men and women in uniform.

I'm not saying it will or won't. Was just throwing my views out there if it does pass.

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chevy i got a question seeing as how you are a veteran, would you rather be in the trenches with folks that wanna be there or ones that are being forced to be there?

I don't want to be fighting next to someone who doesn't want to be there. He will only be looking out for himself, not his bud next to him.

I have seen my fair share of people that enlisted for the wrong reasons and tried everything they could to get out. They didn't give a damn about anyone or anything. It was all about them.

If I am gonna take a bullet for a fellow trooper, he'd better be willing to take one for me. He'd also better not jeopardize the mission.

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so your pro vs. con is flawed then :lol:

Hence why I am on the fence about this. It could really go either way. If I had to pick one or the other, I'd say this is a very bad idea. Americans are too stubborn and hardheaded so they wouldn't conform to a military (or highly structured) lifestyle.

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I don't want to be fighting next to someone who doesn't want to be there. He will only be looking out for himself, not his bud next to him.

I have seen my fair share of people that enlisted for the wrong reasons and tried everything they could to get out. They didn't give a damn about anyone or anything. It was all about them.

If I am gonna take a bullet for a fellow trooper, he'd better be willing to take one for me. He'd also better not jeopardize the mission.

With all due respect soldier: Soldiers do not enlist in the military, civilians enlist in the military and the military trains them to be soldiers (OOH RAH!)

I like to think our draftees did a mighty fine job in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam.

Irregardless of being drafted or enlisting, there will always be sub par soldiers that ain't worth the spit in the bottom of the canteen.

Many countries have this mandatory service and it works flawlessly. I don't care one way or another about it, but don't believe it is fair to stereotype all draftees as inferior soldiers.

Knowing you're a soldier I have zero doubt that you did not intend for me or anyone else to take it that way, but you know how things get skewed on the interwebs.

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Many countries have this mandatory service and it works flawlessly. I don't care one way or another about it, but don't believe it is fair to stereotype all draftees as inferior soldiers.

Knowing you're a soldier I have zero doubt that you did not intend for me or anyone else to take it that way, but you know how things get skewed on the interwebs.

israel is one of the countries that pops into my head first....

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can you see some of the diva chicks all high matience dealing with this shit :lol:

I'm feelin' a new series here.... "Jersey Shore 3... The Enlistment" :rolleyes:

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With all due respect soldier: Soldiers do not enlist in the military, civilians enlist in the military and the military trains them to be soldiers (OOH RAH!)

I like to think our draftees did a mighty fine job in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam.

Irregardless of being drafted or enlisting, there will always be sub par soldiers that ain't worth the spit in the bottom of the canteen.

Many countries have this mandatory service and it works flawlessly. I don't care one way or another about it, but don't believe it is fair to stereotype all draftees as inferior soldiers.

Knowing you're a soldier I have zero doubt that you did not intend for me or anyone else to take it that way, but you know how things get skewed on the interwebs.

I think the draftees did great then too, but I think people now don't have the same mentality they did back then.

And no I didn't mean to come off as saying all draftees are sub par. I know lots of people that aren't military or prior who would make damn fine troopers. and not all enlistees are Audie Murphy either. I just don't think the majority of people required to serve would give 110% of themselves. I think many could just say "It's only two years. I tough it out, do what they ask and be on my merry way." Look at WWII versus Viet Nam though. I think the former were more disciplined than the latter. I could see todays "draftees" being less disciplined than Nam's.

As far as other countries doing it, they have all been doing it for many years IIRC. When they are born they know they will be serving and I am sure that effects their mentality. America is all about "me" anymore. "YOU deserve a break today"

Like I said, I am kinda on the fence. I can see both sides but a big part of me thinks and hopes this could benefit our country. I went in right after high school and it definitely made me grow up a lot. I never felt I was more important than anyone else, but I learned what was more important than me. If basic training and the actual service would toughen up again (it has been getting soft for years) the service could change a lot of lives for the better. Basic training would have to be tougher to combat the "me" mentality. Break the recruit down and build him back up with the "I am my brother's keeper" mentality. They can;t just be allowed to slide through.

I will have to do more thinking on this subject. It's crossed my mind before but I never thought we would consider enacting something of this magnitude.

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Get it straight Sir

Hoo-rah/Ooh-rah is Marine Corps

Huah/oo-ha (or some such shit) is Army. (soldier)

Please continue.

Hooah! :D

I was taught it comes from HUA. Heard, understood, acknowledged. dunno though.

For clarification. when I use the term "soldier" I am usually referring to all the brave men and women of all the branches. Incorrect, I know. so sue me.

I use "trooper" because I was armored cavalry. Hence the horse patch. The Cavalry has always held on to their heritage very strongly so it still sticks with me to this day. Hell we wore stetsons and spurs at certain functions. :D

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Honestly, compulsory services bills aren't noteworthy.

A compulsory service bill that gets a hearing before a committee (never mind a vote in that committee), would be surprising. One that was brought to the House floor would be shocking, and passing through the House is pretty much unthinkable. And passing through the Senate would be about impossible. And then overriding the absolute certain veto simply wouldn't happen. Ain't no thing.

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