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Prez does it again


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I like you guys a lot, but sometimes I'm really surprised by what I read.

I would think that after Iraq attacked us on 9/11, we'd grow to be more tolerant. We even elected a terrorist Muslim who isn't even an American citizen as our President.

Palin 2012!!1

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I oppose the building of a mosque at ground zero... then again... I oppose the building of any more religious buildings anywhere, and think they all should be forced to pay property tax on the land they occupy.

Every member of the "religious unit" should pay an equal amount additionally too :p

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Sometimes I get confused, but I still see through the smoke and mirrors.

So what part about Americans deciding for themselves is un-American?

Who says somebody has to tell us what we are and how we should act?

Only Americans can change Americans, to be and do whatever they want.

There is no one person that can change that.

edit: Currently 70% of Americans disfavor the building of a mosque at ground zero.

That's a large percentage for what is normally divided and undecided Americans.

Our President is getting jerked around on this one. It's a trap!

Edited by ReconRat
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I oppose the building of a mosque at ground zero... then again... I oppose the building of any more religious buildings anywhere, and think they all should be forced to pay property tax on the land they occupy.

I agree on both items. This is just another opportunity for us to be laughed at for the stupid things we do.

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I oppose the building of a mosque at ground zero... then again... I oppose the building of any more religious buildings anywhere, and think they all should be forced to pay property tax on the land they occupy.

Luckily, no one is building a mosque at ground zero, so it's a non-issue.

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Sometimes I get confused, but I still see through the smoke and mirrors.

So what part about Americans deciding for themselves is un-American?

Who says somebody has to tell us what we are and how we should act?

Only Americans can change Americans, to be and do whatever they want.

There is no one person that can change that.

edit: Currently 70% of Americans disfavor the building of a mosque at ground zero.

That's a large percentage for what is normally divided and undecided Americans.

Our President is getting jerked around on this one. It's a trap!

Eh. Most Americans don't live in the community where the cultural center is being built. Which, again, is not at ground zero.

I'm not sure what "American" or "Un-American" has anything to do with it, though. No one is talking about building an anti-American monument on the spot. It's a cultural center, built by Americans for Americans, built blocks away from ground zero.

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CG2112 and the rest of the liberals,

Technically, no, its not "at ground zero". But you're playing semantics here. Its right across the street. Same difference. Research the imam who is behind this "project". Its a deliberate move to slap America in the face.

Liberal "tolerance" baffles me. I think you just like to disagree for the act of disagreeing and being a thorn in someones side. "We're accepting and open-minded. We accept homosexuality, but condemn the soldiers that protect that freedom. We support gay marriage, but think that traditional marriage is a sham. We support "green" projects and want to save the trees, but its okay to suck out a babies brain at 30 weeks old then vacuum it from its mothers womb. We support the right to bash religion because we don't agree with it, but don't support the other people's right to practice their religion (but again, "We're open-minded"). Oh wait, unless they're Muslim, then we welcome them in, just to irritate people like we do. Everyone is equal, everything should be fair. Whats mine is mine, and whats yours is mine, if and WHEN I want it. Everyone should be able to come and go across our borders freely, despite their motives. Etc etc etc. Liberals are actually much LESS tolerant than conservatives. I don't care if you're gay, but don't understand why you have to put stickers on your car to tell everyone about it. Is that your "identity"? Really? If you don't like my religion, thats fine. I'm not going to push it on you, but I'm not going to hide it or be ashamed of it either. I will protect it. This country is great because of the founding fathers. Brilliant men with an incredible vision. And liberalism is the complete antithesis of their visions. Hard work, individualism, and opportunity make us great. Liberals want none of that. They want to get paid to sit on their porch and mooch off of the workers, but still have the same lifestyle and resources as those workers whose paychecks they raid. Only in America do the "poor" have cell phones, flat screen TVs ("but its only a 32 inch"), cars, and plenty to eat. The welfare recipients aren't the ones suffering right now (but will soon, since Congress just raided welfare to keep all of their voting teachers employed, no matter what, so they can continue to push their socialism onto our kids), its the unemployed. People who want to work, who don't want a handout, and who are mortified at having to ask someone for food or help.

Liberals claim to be exactly the opposite of what they are. They're more vicious, more cynical, less forgiving, and less tolerant than most other people. Watch Olberman, or SNL, or Maddow. They're hateful and "mean". They sound like middle-schoolers. "Did you see what she was WEARING??", "And that funny accent!", and "She said she can see Russia from her house. What a dumbass!" when in fact nobody (Palin) ever said that. Can't even discern between truth and their own comrades' attempts at "humor" (Tina Fey).

It must be so simple to be a liberal. Facts don't matter, "feelings" matter.


I like to think that we'll survive this administration/ congress because we ARE America. I pray about it every day.

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CG2112 and the rest of the liberals,

Technically, no, its not "at ground zero". But you're playing semantics here. Its right across the street. Same difference. Research the imam who is behind this "project". Its a deliberate move to slap America in the face.

Liberal "tolerance" baffles me. I think you just like to disagree for the act of disagreeing and being a thorn in someones side. "We're accepting and open-minded. We accept homosexuality, but condemn the soldiers that protect that freedom. We support gay marriage, but think that traditional marriage is a sham. We support "green" projects and want to save the trees, but its okay to suck out a babies brain at 30 weeks old then vacuum it from its mothers womb. We support the right to bash religion because we don't agree with it, but don't support the other people's right to practice their religion (but again, "We're open-minded"). Oh wait, unless they're Muslim, then we welcome them in, just to irritate people like we do. Everyone is equal, everything should be fair. Whats mine is mine, and whats yours is mine, if and WHEN I want it. Everyone should be able to come and go across our borders freely, despite their motives. Etc etc etc. Liberals are actually much LESS tolerant than conservatives. I don't care if you're gay, but don't understand why you have to put stickers on your car to tell everyone about it. Is that your "identity"? Really? If you don't like my religion, thats fine. I'm not going to push it on you, but I'm not going to hide it or be ashamed of it either. I will protect it. This country is great because of the founding fathers. Brilliant men with an incredible vision. And liberalism is the complete antithesis of their visions. Hard work, individualism, and opportunity make us great. Liberals want none of that. They want to get paid to sit on their porch and mooch off of the workers, but still have the same lifestyle and resources as those workers whose paychecks they raid. Only in America do the "poor" have cell phones, flat screen TVs ("but its only a 32 inch"), cars, and plenty to eat. The welfare recipients aren't the ones suffering right now (but will soon, since Congress just raided welfare to keep all of their voting teachers employed, no matter what, so they can continue to push their socialism onto our kids), its the unemployed. People who want to work, who don't want a handout, and who are mortified at having to ask someone for food or help.

Liberals claim to be exactly the opposite of what they are. They're more vicious, more cynical, less forgiving, and less tolerant than most other people. Watch Olberman, or SNL, or Maddow. They're hateful and "mean". They sound like middle-schoolers. "Did you see what she was WEARING??", "And that funny accent!", and "She said she can see Russia from her house. What a dumbass!" when in fact nobody (Palin) ever said that. Can't even discern between truth and their own comrades' attempts at "humor" (Tina Fey).

It must be so simple to be a liberal. Facts don't matter, "feelings" matter.


I like to think that we'll survive this administration/ congress because we ARE America. I pray about it every day.

quoted because I like this post. Some feathers will be ruffled.

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CG2112 and the rest of the liberals,

Technically, no, its not "at ground zero". But you're playing semantics here. Its right across the street. Same difference. Research the imam who is behind this "project". Its a deliberate move to slap America in the face.

t's not right across the street, either. It's a couple blocks away.

It's not a deliberate move to slap America in the face, the cultural center is being opened by Americans.

"We're accepting and open-minded. We accept homosexuality, but condemn the soldiers that protect that freedom.

Who says this?

We support gay marriage, but think that traditional marriage is a sham.

Who says this?

We support "green" projects and want to save the trees, but its okay to suck out a babies brain at 30 weeks old then vacuum it from its mothers womb.

Who says this?

We support the right to bash religion because we don't agree with it, but don't support the other people's right to practice their religion (but again, "We're open-minded").

Who says this?

Oh wait, unless they're Muslim, then we welcome them in, just to irritate people like we do.

I can't really quote the rest, because it's almost all bullshit. This isn't a "liberal vs. conservative" issue.

There are plenty of close minded liberals who think that Islam attacked us on 9/11, too. But the fact of the matter is, this cultural center is being built by Americans, primarily for American muslims. They're on the same side as you.

Edited by cg2112
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t's not right across the street, either. It's a couple blocks away.

It's not a deliberate move to slap America in the face, the cultural center is being opened by Americans.

Who says this?

Who says this?

Who says this?

Who says this?

I can't really quote the rest, because it's almost all bullshit. This isn't a "liberal vs. conservative" issue.

There are plenty of close minded liberals who think that Islam attacked us on 9/11, too. But the fact of the matter is, this cultural center is being built by Americans, primarily for American muslims. They're on the same side as you.



t is well known by Pro-Lifers but not by the general public. The MSM has done everything to keep it that way. We must help get the fact out that Barack Obama strenuously defended the indefensible at least three times.

The procedure is frequently called “Live birth abortion” but it is not really an abortion at all:

“... doctors do not attempt to kill the baby in the uterus. The goal is simply to prematurely deliver a baby who dies during the birth process or soon afterward.” [1]

Obama… “refused as an Illinois state senator to support legislation to protect babies who survived late-term abortions because he did not want to concede — as he explained in a cold-blooded speech on the Illinois Senate floor — that these babies, fully outside their mothers’ wombs, with their hearts beating and lungs heaving, were in fact “persons.” [2]

“On the Illinois Senate floor, Obama was the only senator to speak against the baby-protecting bills.” [2]

Obama fought it for three years as a Illinois state senator, even after it passed 98-0 in the US Senate as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. [3]

Barack Obama fought it even after NARAL “…released a statement that said, “Consistent with our position last year, NARAL does not oppose passage of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.” [4]

Barack Obama goes way beyond “choice on abortion”. This is outright murder that he wanted paid for with our tax dollars. Voters must take into account just how radical Obama is when every democrat and even NARAL went against him. Voters must soberly consider where Obama wants to lead this Nation.

Obama has repeatedly proven that he does not respect the life of born children. How can we honestly expect him to respect ours.

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