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Stuck rear axle


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I've removed my wheels numerous times, but yesterday I attempted a quick wheel removal to have new rubber installed. I loosened the chain and attempted to pull out the axle but it will not move. I tried to smack it with a rubber mallet with no joy then sprayed it down with wd40. Nothing. I held a 2x4 up to the axle and hit it with a normal hammer a few times, again, no movement. Last night I purchased some penetrating oil, lubed it and lubed it again this morning. Again, nothing.

Any suggestions before I throw the RC on my trailer and take her somewhere?

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A torch. Thermal expansion on whatever has the death grip on the axle. Be careful not to overheat though. You'll weaken your axle and probably damage whatever parts around it.

Or, opposite effect

Wait until wintertime? Thermal contraction. Park your bike in the walk-in beer freezer at the gas station overnight, then try to beat it out.

Either way, it sounds like you might be in the market for a replacement axle for what you're going to have to do to get it removed since all the easy fixes haven't worked.

Just try not to break anything too expensive, like your wheel or swingarm in the process. Break the cheapest part you have to, to get it out.

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Did'ja remember to loosen the wheel adjuster nuts? If you have a lot of stress/strain on the wheel form a tight chain, it'll bind up the axle on the adjuster brackets. 'Course, I wouldn't think the chain should be THAT tight to begin with....

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