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Peter Lenz Memorial Fund


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Any chance they can make this a sticky or place on the front page for folks to donate?

We have a good contingent of track day riders here and I think if they are serious in what they do and as passionate as most I know, they'd donate the minimum of $10 to assist this well deserving family.

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Any chance they can make this a sticky or place on the front page for folks to donate?

We have a good contingent of track day riders here and I think if they are serious in what they do and as passionate as most I know, they'd donate the minimum of $10 to assist this well deserving family.

I made it a sticky, Ben will have to put it on the front page as he is the only one capable of that.

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Listen...I'm not cold hearted or anything...I've very saddened by his death and for the families loss...but think about this for a second...

Racing isn't cheap...and he's been racing for quite a few years...which leads me to believe his family is not exactly poor...which leads me to ask why they need "financial support" in this time of loss...

My two cents.


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Listen...I'm not cold hearted or anything...I've very saddened by his death and for the families loss...but think about this for a second...

Racing isn't cheap...and he's been racing for quite a few years...which leads me to believe his family is not exactly poor...which leads me to ask why they need "financial support" in this time of loss...

My two cents.


It's a fucking memorial fund. Jesus Christ... What's with the douches on here lately with no compassion and no comprehension as to what happens in this sport, what happens when a family loses their 13 year old son so early, what maybe fucking other passionate enthusiasts want to do to say condolences and give something in memory for the family's loss? Am I going to be a prick for putting his number on my helmet so we all can remember? Jesus.

Dude, you are a typical person that has no fucking clue. Just because people race or attend such "expensive sports", doesn't mean that the family has given up everything for their son's sport. I know kids that have parents that literally live on the road, work two jobs each and do as much as they can to support them and drive them all across the country. Peter isn't a club racer that works a Monday through Friday job. He was a kid that was going to be somebody or at least had a hell of a chance at becoming a really talented and rising star.

It also doesn't mean that the family may take the money and give it to the Fallen Rider's Fund or to the Red Flag Fund, etc. Most cases, the money gets donated to a charity that was close to the family or goes into a fund that if needed by other racers, can be used. And even beyond that, sometimes, the money is used to create a foundation to assist in similar situations or to create an event that becomes annual to pull in money to give to a set fund.

Some fucking people...

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Listen...I'm not cold hearted or anything...I've very saddened by his death and for the families loss...but think about this for a second...

Racing isn't cheap...and he's been racing for quite a few years...which leads me to believe his family is not exactly poor...which leads me to ask why they need "financial support" in this time of loss...

My two cents.


Racing isn't cheap you are right.. Just because he was there week in and week out doesn't mean they were rolling in the dough.. From what I understand the family had to take a second mortgage out, and were scaping money to get to where he was at. He was trying to get as many sponsors as he could.. His racing budget was probably HUGE, but it had to be with as much travel as he was doing.. I doubt his family is sitting on a stock pile full of money..

Its actually Ironic when I got out of the car on Sunday I looked at my fiance and said.. You know.. Next year I'm going to sponsor Peter Lenz.. If you go to his website you could sponsor him for $200 bucks and get your name on the site and get a tee shirt...

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Racing isn't cheap you are right.. Just because he was there week in and week out doesn't mean they were rolling in the dough.. From what I understand the family had to take a second mortgage out, and were scaping money to get to where he was at. He was trying to get as many sponsors as he could.. His racing budget was probably HUGE, but it had to be with as much travel as he was doing.. I doubt his family is sitting on a stock pile full of money..

Its actually Ironic when I got out of the car on Sunday I looked at my fiance and said.. You know.. Next year I'm going to sponsor Peter Lenz.. If you go to his website you could sponsor him for $200 bucks and get your name on the site and get a tee shirt...

Appropriate reply.
It's a fucking memorial fund. Jesus Christ... What's with the douches on here lately with no compassion and no comprehension as to what happens in this sport, what happens when a family loses their 13 year old son so early, what maybe fucking other passionate enthusiasts want to do to say condolences and give something in memory for the family's loss? Am I going to be a prick for putting his number on my helmet so we all can remember? Jesus.

Dude, you are a typical person that has no fucking clue. Just because people race or attend such "expensive sports", doesn't mean that the family has given up everything for their son's sport. I know kids that have parents that literally live on the road, work two jobs each and do as much as they can to support them and drive them all across the country. Peter isn't a club racer that works a Monday through Friday job. He was a kid that was going to be somebody or at least had a hell of a chance at becoming a really talented and rising star.

It also doesn't mean that the family may take the money and give it to the Fallen Rider's Fund or to the Red Flag Fund, etc. Most cases, the money gets donated to a charity that was close to the family or goes into a fund that if needed by other racers, can be used. And even beyond that, sometimes, the money is used to create a foundation to assist in similar situations or to create an event that becomes annual to pull in money to give to a set fund.

Some fucking people...

Inappropriate reply.

Brian, seriously, I think you need to take a break from the interwebs for a while. You just jump everyone's shit lately.

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I figured my response would get a few harsh answers...so no offense taken by the reply Brian.

You're all right...I don't know his family financial situation...scraping together funds to pay for his racing...second mortgage and all...so I was merely asking/making a statement.

Furthermore...If the website mentioned anything of donating all the funds to a charity, I sure as hell wouldn't have made the post I did...but the website doesn't...so again...I was merely asking.

And I've got compassion...I said so right in my post.

Giving a dollar or two doesn't mean I've got more...

One great thing about web forums...the different view and thoughts.

Sorry if you've got a problem with that...but that's the way it is.


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Appropriate reply.

Inappropriate reply.

Brian, seriously, I think you need to take a break from the interwebs for a while. You just jump everyone's shit lately.

I get it. I am passionate and have been in this sport for 16 years. I have a son that is close to his age. I have personally been around and hung with some VERY well regarded young athletes and know exactly the opinions of people when they see the trucks, the bikes, the fees they pay, etc. Usually, it is from outsiders that haven't a clue.

But, it is easy to say that he shouldn't need a memorial fund because he was in a sport that is expensive.

You're right, Ben. I need a break. From the morons that spout off on a topic like this w/o thinking first.

You feel it is inappropriate for how I came across. I said the same thing as Dub did. Just with more emotion as we lost a comrade vs just a kid. You just changed a thread topic where you initially wanted to punch a "bitch in the face" for throwing dogs in water. Why is that fine, but I cannot talk with heart? Funny, huh?

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I get it. I am passionate and have been in this sport for 16 years. I have a son that is close to his age. I have personally been around and hung with some VERY well regarded young athletes and know exactly the opinions of people when they see the trucks, the bikes, the fees they pay, etc. Usually, it is from outsiders that haven't a clue.

But, it is easy to say that he shouldn't need a memorial fund because he was in a sport that is expensive.

You're right, Ben. I need a break. From the morons that spout off on a topic like this w/o thinking first.

You feel it is inappropriate for how I came across. I said the same thing as Dub did. Just with more emotion as we lost a comrade vs just a kid. You just changed a thread topic where you initially wanted to punch a "bitch in the face" for throwing dogs in water. Why is that fine, but I cannot talk with heart? Funny, huh?

I edited that thread, which I posted, because it was a copy and paste. I didn't like the title, so I changed it.
I donated! Good post and a major loss.
Me too.
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the family never asked for this memorial fund.

this was done by three guys (josh herrin, chris kruzel, and mojotown non profit group) so that racers/trackday goers/enthusiasts/people who want to help in some way or another and don't know what they can do to help, have an avenue to channel their support for the kid.

Edited by natedogg624
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I figured my response would get a few harsh answers...so no offense taken by the reply Brian.

You're all right...I don't know his family financial situation...scraping together funds to pay for his racing...second mortgage and all...so I was merely asking/making a statement.

Furthermore...If the website mentioned anything of donating all the funds to a charity, I sure as hell wouldn't have made the post I did...but the website doesn't...so again...I was merely asking.

And I've got compassion...I said so right in my post.

Giving a dollar or two doesn't mean I've got more...

One great thing about web forums...the different view and thoughts.

Sorry if you've got a problem with that...but that's the way it is.


It's a memorial fund. What about when a professional football player dies and they have a fund for the family? What about a small community that losses a fireman and holds one for a family that is left behind? It's the same thing. You were making assumptions which wasn't just putting out feelers.

If so, you wouldn't have prefaced it with "I'm not cold hearted or anything"... You also were saying things not in question form, but in factual tone. You stated that the sport wasn't cheap and that his family (your belief as you put it) wasn't poor...

Essentially, you were judging and that ticked me off. Again, you don't know much about the sport and the people in it. That's fine, but to assume they are all wealthy and do not need help is crazy.

I didn't say it was going to charity. I stated it could go to a host of things. We had a young pup get paralyzed and his parents have had him in different hospitals and different centers since the accident. He's been very slow to recover and essentially, they were financially sound. However, they drained a LOT of money in trying to get their son help. A fund was established to assist in the costs.

We also had a really well known racer get killed and they created a memorial fund and it was later sent over to another organization and was used towards creating a fund for racers that got injured, etc.

The idea is that we don't want to let Peter fade away. Donating is a way to keep his amazing talent and aura going. That money can be used to assist the family in putting Peter to rest in a positive way. It can help them in the costs of getting this sorted, getting home, getting him put to rest, getting on with their lives w/o Peter, etc. Or, maybe they are set and they can give that money to someone in need...

We don't need to know. We don't need to judge. We just need to support our family. To those that don't understand (I suspect this link won't get posted on the home page like requested), that's fine. No need to donate and understood. Just right now? It isn't the time to debate all this shit.

Ben, I got pissed because I am reading all this shit about "too young", "Murder-cycles", etc. All coming from non riders, non racers, non enthusiasts. It's getting us all in a boil of emotions because we all have watched friends die from this sport. We all know what it takes, what it costs, what it can reward us with. We also know what can happen and when something like a simple accident occurs that turns deadly, the world chimes in with their opinion... I just didn't need to see someone making judgements.

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the family never asked for this memorial fund.

this was done by three guys (josh herrin, chris kruzel, and mojotown non profit group) so that racers/trackday goers/enthusiasts/people who want to help in some way or another and don't know what they can do to help, have an avenue to channel their support for the kid.

Exactly. And, that's what kills me. IF people actually read things and actually looked into things before asking, they'd have seen that and maybe not have passed judgement...

Herrin's probably making money off the program... Easy way to make a buck, right?:rolleyes: Trust me, there will be some sort of spin on it all...

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Exactly. And, that's what kills me. IF people actually read things and actually looked into things before asking, they'd have seen that and maybe not have passed judgement...

Herrin's probably making money off the program... Easy way to make a buck, right?:rolleyes: Trust me, there will be some sort of spin on it all...

i hope josh is not making money directly off of this fund, yes maybe indirectly down the road the karma will pay itself. it definitely is helping is image however.

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Ugh, does this whole back and forth really need to happen. Brian, I was on your side after your first post, but you constant blah, blah, blah is annoying. I'm sure I'll be getting a 3 paragraph responce explaining why blah should not be used.

Lizard just let it go.

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i hope josh is not making money directly off of this fund, yes maybe indirectly down the road the karma will pay itself. it definitely is helping is image however.

I was being sarcastic...

Josh isn't making a dime. He promted this. Kudos to him for doing so. He's a class act.

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It's a memorial fund. What about when a professional football player dies and they have a fund for the family? What about a small community that losses a fireman and holds one for a family that is left behind? It's the same thing. You were making assumptions which wasn't just putting out feelers.

If so, you wouldn't have prefaced it with "I'm not cold hearted or anything"... You also were saying things not in question form, but in factual tone. You stated that the sport wasn't cheap and that his family (your belief as you put it) wasn't poor...

Essentially, you were judging and that ticked me off. Again, you don't know much about the sport and the people in it. That's fine, but to assume they are all wealthy and do not need help is crazy.

I didn't say it was going to charity. I stated it could go to a host of things. We had a young pup get paralyzed and his parents have had him in different hospitals and different centers since the accident. He's been very slow to recover and essentially, they were financially sound. However, they drained a LOT of money in trying to get their son help. A fund was established to assist in the costs.

We also had a really well known racer get killed and they created a memorial fund and it was later sent over to another organization and was used towards creating a fund for racers that got injured, etc.

The idea is that we don't want to let Peter fade away. Donating is a way to keep his amazing talent and aura going. That money can be used to assist the family in putting Peter to rest in a positive way. It can help them in the costs of getting this sorted, getting home, getting him put to rest, getting on with their lives w/o Peter, etc. Or, maybe they are set and they can give that money to someone in need...

We don't need to know. We don't need to judge. We just need to support our family. To those that don't understand (I suspect this link won't get posted on the home page like requested), that's fine. No need to donate and understood. Just right now? It isn't the time to debate all this shit.

Ben, I got pissed because I am reading all this shit about "too young", "Murder-cycles", etc. All coming from non riders, non racers, non enthusiasts. It's getting us all in a boil of emotions because we all have watched friends die from this sport. We all know what it takes, what it costs, what it can reward us with. We also know what can happen and when something like a simple accident occurs that turns deadly, the world chimes in with their opinion... I just didn't need to see someone making judgements.

Brian, I agree with everything you've said in this post except " What about a small community that losses a fireman and holds one for a family that is left behind? It's the same thing."

Hardly the same thing...

With that, I've said enough...and I'll stay out of this thread.

I feel your passion, I believe it, and you're free to have it.


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Brian, I agree with everything you've said in this post except " What about a small community that losses a fireman and holds one for a family that is left behind? It's the same thing."

Hardly the same thing...

With that, I've said enough...and I'll stay out of this thread.

I feel your passion, I believe it, and you're free to have it.


Appreciate your understanding and being able to see my side. It is hard for me. It brings back a LOT of bad memories for me...

Let's talk the fireman... I was saying that if a family loses their husband and a community starts a fund to assist the bills associated with the loss of the guy, it's the same idea - could be at least...

I'm open to talk about that aspect and promise not to blow a gasket... I see you are understanding my feelings and appreciate it and am calmed down. At least you are a smart enough guy to see that unlike some... They just think I am a dick - which I am - but this is passion and memories...

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if I'm being honest, the question BadTrainDriver asked occurred to me as well.

It's not that "racing is expensive, i'm sure they can afford it," it's that I would speculate that they were putting thousands a month into racing that they will no longer be spending. They'll have a pimped out class-C toy hauler to sell, etc. Financially, I don't think the Lenz family is in dire need of help. But maybe they are.

...Regardless, I donated anyway, because I trust that the Lenz family will put the money to good use, either toward their own needs, or in Peter's name via the Red-Flag fun, etc.

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