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The last password you'll ever need!


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Okay, I found this site a few months ago, www.lastpass.com. After reading up on reviews I decided to try it and have been using it ever since. By using ONE password, you can automatically log in to all your sites. When you open your browser, you log into last pass. Then you go open ORDN and it will automatically fill in your username and password and log you in. You can set it up to auto fill or prompt, whichever you prefer.

You can also store your credit card numbers and use it to automatically fill forms (name, address, phone, etc).



All of your data is encrypted locally on your PC, only YOU can unlock it. I personally don't use it for any sensitive information, just email, ORDN, youtube, yada, yada. They also offer one-time passwords. If you go to an internet cafe you can use one of these that you generated at home and log on at the cafe. After the one time use, that password is no longer good. There is a bunch of features with this, so browse the site to find more out. They have videos also to explain how to use it.


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Closed-source. :nono:

I'll stick with the yellow Post-it note on the monitor like all of my co-loafers at work... :D

lol, there are outside reviews. When I was thinking about using it, I researched those too. Just to lazy last night to find links for those.

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Exactly - no outside code review. I suppose it would be easy enough to install it, put in a password to a site that doesn't matter, leave the app running/enabled, and sniff packets, but I don't feel like doing it.

Probably benign software, but I'm not trusting the ability to access my money, utilities, etc. to it.

I have one basic password that I vary just enough site-to-site to make it (in my mind) secure "enough", yet easy to remember. If I get hacked, so be it.

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Exactly - no outside code review. I suppose it would be easy enough to install it, put in a password to a site that doesn't matter, leave the app running/enabled, and sniff packets, but I don't feel like doing it.

Probably benign software, but I'm not trusting the ability to access my money, utilities, etc. to it.

I have one basic password that I vary just enough site-to-site to make it (in my mind) secure "enough", yet easy to remember. If I get hacked, so be it.

Oh, ok. Didn't know.

No fucking way in hell would I allow some 3rd party server to store my passwords. Just saying.

I figured there'd be some with that reaction but thought I'd throw it out there anyways.

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No fucking way in hell would I allow some 3rd party server to store my passwords. Just saying.

Apart from the fact that I have a metric assload of them and RDP into servers/telnet into Cisco boxes eleventy billion times a day, this right here.

jbloss, thanks for making my hax0r easy. :)

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I really just use two different passwords and multiple variations of them, for everything else where I'm forced to pick something different

I just have them all stored in a spreadsheet file for quick and easy reference.

I've alway been leary of any password manager software, especially if its FREE!

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Apart from the fact that I have a metric assload of them and RDP into servers/telnet into Cisco boxes eleventy billion times a day, this right here.

jbloss, thanks for making my hax0r easy. :)

If you figure/find out the basic one, the rest are easy variations... Good luck!

The big money account has no online access, and any transactions have to be approved by an SVP at the institution where the funds reside. Like I said, no worries.

However, if I get signed up for some Eastern European tranny site: "Cheech, you got some 'splaining to do"... :D

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If you figure/find out the basic one, the rest are easy variations... Good luck!

The big money account has no online access, and any transactions have to be approved by an SVP at the institution where the funds reside. Like I said, no worries.

However, if I get signed up for some Eastern European tranny site: "Cheech, you got some 'splaining to do"... :D

Seems a lot like the way I have mine, a relatively unsecure root password with variations that use some relatively obscure ASCII chars. Gets me into trouble sometimes, I can't log into our blackberry server as me because some dumbass Canuckistanian can't sanitize input fields and it recognizes that char as something else completely. Stupid head-flappers.

Besides, I don't know any Eastern Europeans. Central Europeans on the other hand...

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I think it's fun to try and crack my passwords when I forget them.


l0phtcrack (yes, it's back) (not free any longer)

cain (free)

or good old chntpw (don't crack, just change) (free)

all are only for the local accounts on a machine.

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