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dont tread on me situation...again


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Lyndse has been to a few. She says what you see on the news and what really goes on are polar opposites. I've never been' date=' have no desire to be, nor ever will go... but I can believe the picture being painted by the networks is hardly the real story.[/quote']

Went to one rally a while back here in Dayton and have talked to more than a few since then. Most of the members of the Tea Party around here are extremely derptastic even if that's not what the Tea Party "leaders" had originally intended. They even had that whack job Alan Keyes as a speaker at their last big rally here.

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i cant believe i'm going to type this, but.........citation?


health care is the most obvious choice


watch the show,

just the last episode I watched he went on and on about faith, we need to restore faith or the world will end. Within 10 minutes he was going on and on about how he's best friends with penn jilette, one of the smartest people he knows.

when the economy was collapsing back in 07 he said "we must do something or we will hit rock bottom and have another great depression"

now he's claiming that he meant "we need a great depression to reset the system"

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That's a whole lot of derp right there.

so, like i said......rule no 4: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. can we not stay civilized? feel free to disect my comment trying to keep in mind that the last sentence was meant to be a joke.

Went to one rally a while back here in Dayton and have talked to more than a few since then. Most of the members of the Tea Party around here are extremely derptastic even if that's not what the Tea Party "leaders" had originally intended. They even had that whack job Alan Keyes as a speaker at their last big rally here.

i dont know anything about Alan Keyes, but i'm sure you dont have any problem finding those people on the fringe. especially since they are the ones who are most vocal and tend to have missed the point almost entirely. sitting ducks, really. the thing that is missed here is the point of the whole movement. i agree that it should have happened years ago, but obamas very aggressive and in-your-face agenda, lack of understanding that bypartisanship means middle ground, not just agree with me and 'we won' attitude just really opened peoples eyes. i know why i've gone to some of these rallies and thats all that matters, really. the tea parties, sarah palin (not the woman but the concept of an 'ordinary' citizen as a leader; although i dont think she's the right person for the job) and glenn becks message of understanding the founding principals of this country are things that should be well recieved by any american; again, as ideas. instead, we continually find ways to demonize the opposition. sad, really.....

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health care is the most obvious choice


watch the show,

just the last episode I watched he went on and on about faith, we need to restore faith or the world will end. Within 10 minutes he was going on and on about how he's best friends with penn jilette, one of the smartest people he knows.

when the economy was collapsing back in 07 he said "we must do something or we will hit rock bottom and have another great depression"

now he's claiming that he meant "we need a great depression to reset the system"

honestly, i would have to understand the entire context for GB's attack on the system. it seemed to me to be a specific situation he was upset about. although, i do agree that he can be quite the 'chicken little'. also, anything can be taken out of context to get a laugh......sorry, not really a fan of JS.

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yeah, founding principals!

Rights and priveledges only for white male land owners. Displacement of native people and their culture! :rolleyes:

Race card!!!! :banana::banana:

I wondered how long this could go on until somebody played it!


We white male land owners of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America....
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yeah, founding principals!

Rights and priveledges only for white male land owners. Displacement of native people and their culture! :rolleyes:

Ahhhhh... ignorance... Its wonderful. So what would make you think this?

Race card!!!! :banana::banana:

I wondered how long this could go on until somebody played it!


No kidding... ha ha

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