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Palin more favorable than obama?

kawi kid

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Looks like it. (i know this is a right leaning site but its the first place I found talking about it and wanted to share) I thought it was interesting since palin has been smeared as an idiot so much by the media.


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Issue to issue it seems more trend to agree with her tho. so why, if she is such an idiot ,is it turning out that more are agreeing with her views? I really have no opinion of her really, to me she is just another politician.

Just trying to spark some discussion here.

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Issue to issue it seems more trend to agree with her tho. so why, if she is such an idiot ,is it turning out that more are agreeing with her views? I really have no opinion of her really, to me she is just another politician.

Just trying to spark some discussion here.

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Issue to issue it seems more trend to agree with her tho. so why, if she is such an idiot ,is it turning out that more are agreeing with her views? I really have no opinion of her really, to me she is just another politician.

Just trying to spark some discussion here.

She has no views. She has talking points and no specifics. You also have to consider that her support group is vocal but still a minority. She is the primary reason McCain got destroyed that last election. He could have easily picked someone that made that a much closer race even if he still lost.

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But if you wanna call her support the tea party then I don't know if I would call it the minority, more and more independents are running that way each day it seems. I know how you feel about the tea party but it is getting more attention. Look at how the rnc is reacting after mcdonnell won that primary, I think they finally realized that is the way people want the party run, no more reaching across the isle.

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But if you wanna call her support the tea party then I don't know if I would call it the minority, more and more independents are running that way each day it seems. I know how you feel about the tea party but it is getting more attention. Look at how the rnc is reacting after mcdonnell won that primary, I think they finally realized that is the way people want the party run, no more reaching across the isle.

The Tea Party is still a minority party and there is no evidence more and more "independents" are running that way. Don't confuse media attention for support, somethings make for better television/ratings than others...

The RNC is worried because these "independents" really aren't. They are mostly Republicans/Conservatives breaking off. That causes division and takes votes away from candidates that probably have a better chance at getting elected and also a better chance of staying in office once elected.

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I think the scott brown election and the mcdonnell election shows something for the yea party. That base is very energized and I think the democrats know it, so the try to discredit it. Just my opinion I guess.

Bill clinton even came out today telling the democrat party to watch out for sara palin and take her seriously now, just a side note for the original topic but where this is going is good too.

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I think the scott brown election and the mcdonnell election shows something for the yea party. That base is very energized and I think the democrats know it, so the try to discredit it. Just my opinion I guess.

Bill clinton even came out today telling the democrat party to watch out for sara palin and take her seriously now, just a side note for the original topic but where this is going is good too.

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I think the scott brown election and the mcdonnell election shows something for the yea party. That base is very energized and I think the democrats know it, so the try to discredit it. Just my opinion I guess.

Bill clinton even came out today telling the democrat party to watch out for sara palin and take her seriously now, just a side note for the original topic but where this is going is good too.

Scott Brown is a moderate that his opponent should have taken more seriously. His win had zero to do with the Tea Party. I would have voted Scott Brown were I in Mass and have family that do live there and did.

Yes Clinton also said, "I do think she's a resilient character. And we may be entering a sort of period in politics that's sort of fact free, where the experience in government is a negative."

The Tea Party doesn't care about knowledge or real experience all they care about is different. They like to yell talking points and be angry without actually having any idea what they are being angry about. They are so bent on ousting a lot of current holders of office they aren't even considering that they are supporting people like McConnell who have no clue what they are doing and are more than likely worse than the people they are ousting.

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But the whole time leading up to the primary and even til now nobody has challenged her on issues? All they wanna do is talk about her dabbling in witch craft in high school, why? If she is so bad why won't they challenge her on issues and prove her to be bad for the country. Scott brown is a moderate, but when a state that us nearly purple its so democratic, its great to get just a moderate right? Lol

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If the 2012 presidential election ticket is Obama vs Palin, I'm gonna barf.

Palin is a one term small town mayor and a half term governor, and nothing but a blow hard. She is less experienced than Obama. What does she know about the ecomomy, foreign policy, military and fighting a war in Afghanistan? Zero, nada, Zilch. Palin as potus scares the hell outta me.

btw - l lean right too.

Edited by mello dude
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But the whole time leading up to the primary and even til now nobody has challenged her on issues? All they wanna do is talk about her dabbling in witch craft in high school, why? If she is so bad why won't they challenge her on issues and prove her to be bad for the country. Scott brown is a moderate, but when a state that us nearly purple its so democratic, its great to get just a moderate right? Lol

Who has had the chance to challenge her on issues? Many have already made the statements regarding her not having specifics and the interviews she had last weekend she canceled. You know damn well if she is following in Palin's foot steps she isn't going to welcome anything but softball interviews.

You do realize the large majority of the country is moderate and a large number of Democrats fall closer to moderate than current Republicans right?

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