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Palin more favorable than obama?

kawi kid

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If we wanna beat a dead horse we could start with health care . Or buying auto companies. basing new legislation on stuff that has been proven a lie (global warming). All those things to me seem way way left and nearly socialist.

This is just a quick answer got real busy real fast. Ill try to return to it later.

Healthcare was health insurance reform/regulation which has had support from the right in the past, this is a decades old issue. They just wanted it be their way or no way as usual. The moron Boehner and others started to even take some credit after it passed. Ever wonder why you suddenly didn't hear a lot about it not too long after it passed?

They made a significant bailout after the no strings one the Bush administration made. They had to make sure it wasn't abused given what they had found in the company's financial records and made the decision to make sure they had a method to make sure the bailout money wasn't wasted. There was an article the other day interviewing the current GM CEO talking about how the government was in the process of starting to sell off it's shares over time.

"Global warming" (I really hate the media/politicians for that term) hasn't been proven a lie.

None of which are remotely close to socialism. The closest you can come is the GM bailout which would be similar to Nationalizing a company, but not socializing.

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When the health care us headed into the direction of single payer like it looks like it will eventually lead to that would be socialist correct? I forget what democrat it was that said that the overall goal was to get there. And yes it has ben in the works for quite some time I figured that was going to be brought up as a point.

And it disappearing after it passed was because of the horrible poll numbers it was getting and the american people easily forgets if they aren't being soon fed it seems, but the numbers had it close to seventy percent against it if I remember correctly? I would have to look it up.

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When the health care us headed into the direction of single payer like it looks like it will eventually lead to that would be socialist correct? I forget what democrat it was that said that the overall goal was to get there. And yes it has ben in the works for quite some time I figured that was going to be brought up as a point.

And it disappearing after it passed was because of the horrible poll numbers it was getting and the american people easily forgets if they aren't being soon fed it seems, but the numbers had it close to seventy percent against it if I remember correctly? I would have to look it up.

No still not socialism, Medicare is single-payer. Single-payer only describes how something is funded.

There was no poll with against numbers that high. Of course most of the poll numbers from healthcare polls were crappy either way they swung. The polls that showed just how little understanding the public had about the HCR were the most telling.

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No still not socialism, Medicare is single-payer. Single-payer only describes how something is funded.

There was no poll with against numbers that high. Of course most of the poll numbers from healthcare polls were crappy either way they swung. The polls that showed just how little understanding the public had about the HCR were the most telling.

But telling the people we gotta pass it so you can find out what is in it didn't make it look better, can we agree on that?

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But telling the people we gotta pass it so you can find out what is in it didn't make it look better, can we agree on that?

That's not what she said and it certainly is not what she meant in context of the speech she was giving.

The part you are referring to she said, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. ..."

Meaning there's so much BS being put out there the people won't really be able to see what is really in the bill and affects it will have until it's passed. Death panels anyone? She went into what was it addresses before that part of the speech btw. This was just another over spun talking point.

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But telling the people we gotta pass it so you can find out what is in it didn't make it look better, can we agree on that?

From a perception standpoint, yes, we certainly can.

It didn't help HCR that there were an army of people trolling the hell out of it, between death panels, european socialism, doctors fleeing medicine, all R&D from pharma companies stopping immediately, and a bunch more that I can't think of off-hand. With that kind of mis- and anti-information, it stood (kinda) to reason that the bill had to be passed before any kind of productive discourse and discussions could be had on it.

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Keep in mind that liberals never want to debate facts... it's always divert and distract. let's debate about how we're debating. Never mind the facts. Discredit the person to invalidate the opinion.

so are you ready to put your big-boy pants on and have a intelligent conversation, or are you just going to keep regurgitating what you've heard on Beck, Hannity, and Rush this morning?

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doctors fleeing medicine, all R&D from pharma companies stopping immediately

You think these two issues are false? All doctors won't be fleeing medicine but less will be joining and many will opt out to form boutique care facilities. The level of care will not be as competent or at least the access to it will be hindered by additional government red tape. All pharmaceutical R&D will not be ceasing but when profits are capped by government intervention how many revolutionary hits are made to offset the pedestrian drugs will be diminished. If you think otherwise you must not understand the reason companies are in business.

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No still not socialism, Medicare is single-payer. Single-payer only describes how something is funded.

There was no poll with against numbers that high. Of course most of the poll numbers from healthcare polls were crappy either way they swung. The polls that showed just how little understanding the public had about the HCR were the most telling.

I was confused so I looked it up and single payer and according to this canada is single payer. the government pays the bills as the insurance company would, and you pay them as you would pay the insurance co. no other options other than what the government offers, no more choices no more free market?


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I was confused so I looked it up and single payer and according to this canada is single payer. the government pays the bills as the insurance company would, and you pay them as you would pay the insurance co. no other options other than what the government offers, no more choices no more free market?


That scenario is possible if the governments single payer option was the only option allowed. You do realize though this still isn't socialism right?

Using the Medicare example though, it is single-payer, but not the only option seniors have for health coverage. Just because there's single-payer doesn't mean there isn't still a competitive market necessarily.

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I was confused so I looked it up and single payer and according to this canada is single payer. the government pays the bills as the insurance company would, and you pay them as you would pay the insurance co. no other options other than what the government offers, no more choices no more free market?


Ah, so you're a free-market champion. Where are the choices in the current situation? Because I'm single, I really don't have a choice in my coverage provider, either I use my employer's benefits (with the collective bargaining power of the entire employee pool) or I go it alone (and spend probably 30x more). That's a false choice.

You can't put a profit motive around the care of a human being. The two are mutually exclusive. Either the person gets the care they need, or the company withholds care in order to boost profits. You can't shop for prices when you're having a heart attack.

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You can't put a profit motive around the care of a human being.

You absolutely can, healthcare is a huge part of our economy and most certainly is a business. Government intervention is why insurance prices are not affordable to most people. When you have to give care away to people who don't value their health enough to put money aside to pay for it the insurance companies and care providers are forced to pass the cost on to those who know and understand that healthcare is worth a large portion of their income. Just like housing and transportation which are not an entitlement yet. Not only that but the government reimbursement rate is terrible and the least profitable of all forms of reimbursement even among the uninsured.

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