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Homeland Security Project Links Cameras Statewide - Thoughts???


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Quote:Homeland Security officials said the camera feeds will not be monitored, recorded or stored and provide only a real-time view of the infrastructure.



Well I feel better now...:bow: they have my permission and vote to go ahead with it:nono:

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Meh, this is what they do in the UK. I'm a huge privacy advocate, but as long as the cameras are in public, I don't see an issue.


I think the caveat should be that they aren't used to weed out minor misdemeanors (i.e. no tattle tale cameras, like speed cameras or red light cameras). These cameras should be used to settle civil cases, major misdemeanors (1,2,3), and felony's only.

Though as it's already pointed out... "Of course I believe you". Once they're there, they're there. (Profound, I know).

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Meh, this is what they do in the UK. I'm a huge privacy advocate, but as long as the cameras are in public, I don't see an issue.


I think the caveat should be that they aren't used to weed out minor misdemeanors (i.e. no tattle tale cameras, like speed cameras or red light cameras). These cameras should be used to settle civil cases, major misdemeanors (1,2,3), and felony's only.

Though as it's already pointed out... "Of course I believe you". Once they're there, they're there. (Profound, I know).

Give an inch and they'll take a mile.

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All we need is a few false flag attacks where cameras are installed, but where the footage is supposedly not recorded and stored. They will say that we could have figured out who did it, if only we kept records. And then another false flag attack will happen soon after the footage is now officially stored.

They will catch the person. He will get punished, and we will become "more secure" because of the wonderful Homeland Security cameras.

Edited by alienpi
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