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Just got a TICKET! - Anybody on 675, check the skies...


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i like the theory and agree with it however it forgets one minor issue

99% people cannot drive. They absolutely have no clue how to handle a vehicle and it pisses me off to no end. Speed limits are without a doubt for money first and protection second. Just thinking about this has thoroughly reminded me why I hate people :lol:

99% of people on the roads can drive. 10% (and that's being gracious) can drive WELL. Not everyone is an enthusiast that wants to understand the finer points like grip performance on wet vs. dry pavement, what the e-brake is (besides that stupid handle in the middle that gets in the way of everything) and what it's used for, how to properly exit a skid, and so on. 90% of the populace just wants to get in, crank up their stereos, turn the little wheel and push the little pedal.

Even though automobiles are mainstream, it doesn't mean that being a motorhead is.

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haha on the 81 mph... Tops out at 140. Which is plenty fast for mr. inexperienced me.

I agree with the speed limit raise to catch up to technology. But, I also think it should be regulated maybe by the driver, maybe in conjunction with the vehicle. More specifically, the driver's age. Anybody 16-18/21, regulate a little more. Anybody over the eyesight losing hump... Well, just make them take a driving test every 5 years or so...

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My experience with air cops over the past many years lol - of course, that was all in CA so maybe it's different here but every pilot I've known would pass on court to fly without a second thought. It has been a while though, maybe they are making it mandatory to make the court dates? Or maybe the courts schedule special days for hearing air cases? Dunno.

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Whilst I was BSing with them afterwards - I really didn't have hard feelings toward the cops themselves since they were "doing their job"; the assistant prosecutor, OTOH, is a different story.

...The officer was proud to state he's 100% on showing up, with 100% conviction rate. The ground officer was almost 100% as well, but he lost a case when a woman had a witness that said a cat jumped in the road and caused her to swerve.

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In CA they paid the cops time and a half to show for court so you never got the "no-show" freebie except with the air cops sometimes. I was in court once when a cop no-showed and the judge was about to dismiss when the defendant asked what would have happened if he hadn't shown. The judge told him there'd be a warrant issued for him for FTA and the guy insisted the cop be treated the same - and the judge actually issued the warrant lol! I know, OT - sorry but I love telling that story!

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