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I haven't been lately, but I know what you're talking about.

It seems a slight incline (1-2%) reduces the stress on bone from all the pounding and doesn't really make it more difficult to run @ pace. I used to crank it up to around 10% incline and walk at around 4.3mph (like an uphill climb), then reduce the incline to around 5.5% and jog at a 7mph-ish pace, then take it all the way down to 0% and run at 8.5mph and just keep doing intervals of that.

Running is overrated though :p

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supplements aren't a waste of money for people who truly are serious and are trying to increase calories/protein intake without eating a shit ton. They are easy and convenient for some.

Basically any combination of lifting and cardio will benefit the beginner. Just use proper form and your good to go.

The majority of our diets are protein rich anyways, and the body can only absorb/use so much protein. The rest eventually gets flushed away.

Most supplements have had none of their claims proven or tested by the FDA. It's a placebo effect. That can be beneficial, but not worth the $40-$200 price tag on most supplements at GNC

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The majority of our diets are protein rich anyways, and the body can only absorb/use so much protein. The rest eventually gets flushed away.

Most supplements have had none of their claims proven or tested by the FDA. It's a placebo effect. That can be beneficial, but not worth the $40-$200 price tag on most supplements at GNC

The body can only handle so much protein that is correct. That's why it's recommended 1.5 grams per IBW or weight your going for. All these bodybuilders and people who live this shit aren't wrong when they all have results and gains. So who needs the FDA ??? Have you tried to eat 200+ grams of protein and still meet a calorie limit? Shit sucks and that's where supplements help. Placebo?!?! All the ingredients must be listed and majority have proven scientific studies of what certain ingredients do and effect. Some supplements are garbage and others are extremely well thought out. Ever take no xplode or Super pump? Tell me the feeling you get is placebo

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It's a placebo if you're not putting close to 100% into it, some will make a difference if you really push yourself, i.e. getting yourself so worn and have done so much muscle damage that you have trouble getting out of a chair or dressing the next couple of days, and doing that every lifting day for weeks. The people that do that are who the supplements are for.

If you don't push yourself like that, you're probably better off spending that money on eating better.

That said, I usually try to get some after workout protein since it seems to keep the hurt level down the next day or two.

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It's a placebo if you're not putting close to 100% into it, some will make a difference if you really push yourself, i.e. getting yourself so worn and have done so much muscle damage that you have trouble getting out of a chair or dressing the next couple of days, and doing that every lifting day for weeks. The people that do that are who the supplements are for.

If you don't push yourself like that, you're probably better off spending that money on eating better.

That said, I usually try to get some after workout protein since it seems to keep the hurt level down the next day or two.

Well said. If your going to spend money on supplements you need to bust your ASS in the gym.

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Interesting perspectives here. I just finished my physical therapy for the leg and back and am getting into the routine of going to the club and working out m-w-f. Been years since I got out of body building and my gut shows it. However, I've been pleased with the level I've accomplished so far. As for intake/supplements I've started taking multivitamins and eating more whole grains and drinking more water. I wanna be 100% by spring for some serious offroading and trips next year.:D

So far I'm doing 20-30 min of aerobic exercise between eliptical trainner, stationary bike or tread mill. For lifting I am targeting weights that allow me to do 20-25 lifts max and then step down to weights allowing me to do it again two more times. I try to go from arms to legs to abdominal exercises as I go to allow short recovery times for each area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course it also helps to be genetically predisposed to putting on muscle mass. Arnold looks the way he does because he's Arnold.

Honestly, the only time I put on mass was my freshman year of college, and I was on the all you can eat buffet plus pizza at 1am work out three to four days a week plan. I weighed 180 and could rep 220, and my max bench was 250.

And yes I've taken similar items to NO Xplode and busted my ass in the gym and didn't really see a difference between my workout on that, or the time I decided to lift after a few Sam Adams on an empty stomach, or the time I lifted with a few buddies, or the time I had a great play list on my MP3 player.

My take on it all is this:

You'll get bigger or stronger, it all depends on genetics. Whatever works for you, works for you.

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Of course it also helps to be genetically predisposed to putting on muscle mass. Arnold looks the way he does because he's Arnold.

Honestly, the only time I put on mass was my freshman year of college, and I was on the all you can eat buffet plus pizza at 1am work out three to four days a week plan. I weighed 180 and could rep 220, and my max bench was 250.

And yes I've taken similar items to NO Xplode and busted my ass in the gym and didn't really see a difference between my workout on that, or the time I decided to lift after a few Sam Adams on an empty stomach, or the time I lifted with a few buddies, or the time I had a great play list on my MP3 player.

My take on it all is this:

You'll get bigger or stronger, it all depends on genetics. Whatever works for you, works for you.

I have a buddy that swears when he works out high he gets bigger. But you can also give him a 5 hour energy drink and he is all crazy and shit

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Damn workouts ain't going to well yet I need to get more focussed. Need some motivation.


buy "pumping iron." I can watch that wasted at 3AM and suddenly be more motivated than ever to go work out.

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  • 1 month later...

So I just started back this week... I lost site during the Christmas season, but have been eating a lot better the last two weeks. I am hurting from working out, but I am very motivated right now. Just ordered a book call "Body By Design". It is from the guy who started bodybuilding.com and it is all about motivation and eating better which is what is the hardest when losing weight.


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That is Frank McGrath from Canada, sponsored by Universal/Animal/Sport Pharma they are all the same kinda, well sister companies. I lift with them as well.

The only products I use are a few Univesal supplements and EAS protein. I also eat mostly deer meat, chicken, and eat a lot of it.

As stated, 1g protein per 1lb weight = minimum if lifting hard, you will need up to 2 if you really want to grow. I am almost getting 2:1 now and seeing a huge difference, and that is weighing 210, and cutting.

There are some great writeups in here, the 5x5, the 3x3, basics to starting. Much of what you are looking for depends on what you really want to see. A)Huge mofo, B)Lean and cut, C)Best of both worlds.... Chicks dig all of the above I guess, some of my friends that compete in bodybuilding or strong men have great girls, some that compete in shows have great girls, most stay single lol.

If you are really serious get on animalpak.com, the forums, or use bodybuilding.com and the forums etc. There is a plethera of info there.

I figure I am taking 6 more months to build muscle but get leaner, then about June I will start to really cut and hopefully do a show in August/Sept. 3-4 months of dieting is all I can handle, I as getting ready to start dieting 2 years ago in June and got a DUI, so that ruined those hopes. This year, pending no setbacks, I will be on stage by August/Sept.

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I did just crank out a 20:44 5k on the treadmill last Friday, that was a PR I felt pretty good about for a guy my size.

Good for you Justin... That's awesome! clap.gif

Now that my heel's finally started feeling better w/ the new shoes, I've been gradually getting back into things. Finally picked up a set of kettle bells last week, & a simple 20 minute vid/workout on Tuesday still has me feeling sore today icon_lol.gif

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Over summer I was doing great but lime someone said earlier I cannot keep.motivated in the winter. I go to work when it's dark and get home in the dark and its hard for me to find the drive to do it. I know when the days get longer ill be back at it tho.

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I have been working out four times a week since November when I got off the crutches. I am now up to 40 min of cardio (split between stationary bike and elliptical trainer) and lift for about an hour. I also started using Lance Armstrongs site to track my calories and sodium. The app is called my plate and is very easy to use.

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