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Unless I misunderstood the article... it's all alleged, I've seen no proof.

You've got this whiney-ass Republican crying foul (and I thought the Dems were the crybabies) -- and the whole program, whatever it REALLY was, is halted.

Now, this will all go down into a big 'he said, she said' about this junk and no one will ever get the truth because the Republican will have a piece of paper validating his claim, and the Democrat will have another piece of paper showing something else

"The Republican has a fake ballot, that's not what we were using"

"No, the Democrats are faked, they didn't use what they're showing you NOW"

Etc Etc.

No one will ever have the truth unless someone fesses up, politics as usual.

This is no different than the dirty grey area Republicans play in when they sent out "Census" forms and the Democrats whined about it, except there's a difference in the level of fraud between this case and that one.

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I like that no one is denying the students left for this trip. Either school officials didn't supervise a group of students who left on a field trip during school hours or they breached a contract signed in 2002. Neither sounds like very responsible decisions.

Nicely done Cincinnati Public Schools, nicely done.

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