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Only 8% of under 30 voted

Big Chief201

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On that note the 2008 elections had a 72% turnout and this one was projected at 55%. My county only had a 47% turnout.

I get what you're saying but some would argue that there isn't a definitive difference between the parties so they don't feel the need to pick one. Different perspective, same result.

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It's my right to vote, so I always make sure that I do so. Unfortunately, 92% of people around my age don't agree.

Actually the constitution doesn't guarantee the right to vote; in fact the electoral college was created explicitly to PREVENT the masses from deciding who governs.

voting is something the government allows to create the appearance of giving a shit about what we think.

the only constitutional stipulation on voting is that IF the gov't chooses to allow it, they have to enforce equal protection of voting 'rights.'

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What I also enjoy is listening to the common theme of "we need to change the way Washington does things". Apparently, that means with exception to negative ad campaigns...

I think negative campaigns are a matter of convenience and practicality.

What's easier; coming up with a solution to a problem, or simply pointing out that your opponent's proposed solution is flawed?

In motorcycle terms, it's easy for me to point out the front-end chatter problems in the 2010 ZX10 - I can bash that bike all day long ...but I can't fix it. I can't convince you to buy an R1, but I can convince you NOT to buy a ZX10. makes sense, right?

I don't recall hearing any ads that actually touted what a given candidate would DO if elected - But they successfully conveyed the message that electing the other guy would be a BAD call.

shitty political scene to live in for sure...

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  • 2 weeks later...
What I also enjoy is listening to the common theme of "we need to change the way Washington does things". Apparently, that means with exception to negative ad campaigns...

One of my friends worked in the East Wing of the White House, and he laughs every time he hears that phrase. Here's why: 90% of Government jobs aren't elected, and are so protected by red tape and bureaucratic garbage that it's impossible to change.

The lines at the BMV are just as long under Obama as Bush. You get denied disability pay as quickly under a Democrat as a Republican, and the Post Office still loses your mail regardless of who's in charge.

If some politician really wanted to "change" Washington, they'd start by firing people in guvment jobs. Except they don't really have the power to do that. So it's an empty promise, like lowering taxes.

Actually the constitution doesn't guarantee the right to vote; in fact the electoral college was created explicitly to PREVENT the masses from deciding who governs.

voting is something the government allows to create the appearance of giving a shit about what we think.

the only constitutional stipulation on voting is that IF the gov't chooses to allow it, they have to enforce equal protection of voting 'rights.'

I'll take the heat for this but, do you really want the ass-tards we all deal with voting on something really important, like the person who takes us into war? Or negotiates treaties? Or makes decisions that affect all of America in very real ways?

Edited by dorifto240
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