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Newly found book of the Bible


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Two days after Halloween and the day after All Saint's Day ('cept NOrleans) a new book of the bible was unearthed:


3 Of the spoils of your wandering, you shall devote a tenth of the firstfruits to your father. But take heed that you devote what has chocolate, so that he shall be pleased with what he receives.

4 Of the Reese's, you shall devote them all, likewise the Snickers. But take heed, lest you try to test your father and give him Skittles instead of M&Ms, and thereby incur his disfavor.

5 Of the Pixi Stix, and the Sweet Tarts, and the Kandy Korn, you shall give him no part, for they are an abomination unto him. But of the Nestle Crunch and Krackel, you shall give him a portion, as a peace offering.

6 Lest you grumble because of the nuts in the flesh of your spoils, you may offer the bars that contain them unto your father. Mr. Goodbar is favored, as are the Peanut M&Ms. Almond Joy hath nuts, Mounds don't.

7 You shall reserve the choicest fruits: the special darks, and the truffles, for an offering to your mother, who bore you, who brought you to life. And it is under her rule as to when you are able to eat the remainder.

8 And on the day of cleansing, the last day, all the bags shall be opened, and I shall say unto you, "How on earth did we get so many Tootsie Rolls?" And all that remains will be cast into the bin.

9 And if any acceptable offerings are found that have been left to rot, or get that white crusty stuff on the chocolate, I shall say to you, "How is it that you have hidden this from my eyes, and have not even eaten it?" And your father shall not be pleased with you.

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"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy' date=' God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Revelations 22:19[/b']

Translation: You're all going to hell. :nono:

Probably in a hand basket...

But I'll have chocolate.

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